I’ve had a bit of a play around with the new dig-tool and I have some feedback.
Posting a screenshot for reference, to assist my communication.
Give Hearthlings more reach when mining? See the BLUE scribble on my image;
Currently they can’t dig up or any other block that isn’t adjacent to their feet? I keep getting in situations where they wont complete a dig- that is right in front of their faces and they will just stand their and look at it until I build row after row of ladders to get them going again (maybe the scaffold system could be used in mining?).
This was a 6x6x6 dig, layed out with the new tool on an untouched-flat wall - the order in which the Hearthlings tackled it led to this void-situation where work wouldn’t continue; you can see my ladders in an attempt to get it going again - you really have to micro a dig as large as 6x6x6 or any dig that includes blocks ABOVE the Hearthlings face.
Digs should default to “Suspended”?
Trying to remove some proposed dig with the new subtract-dig-tool (which is very nice) can be tricky. When you make a mistake and before you can fix it an eager Hearth-ling has dug it up!
Sure you could pause the game, but when playing with friends (new multiplayer is awesome!) it’s not always fun to be constantly pausing and un-pausing the play.
More control over the slice-view?
Being able to adjust the number of voxels per slice would be a massive compliment to the new dig-tool, currently trying to build underground can be tricky- with the Hearthlings in-ability to dig up, digging down becomes the only option to allow for the “3-voxel” scaffold space required for a building to be valid (more on this below). The fixed slice interval means your build can get stuck awkwardly between slices and the top of your dig marquee can also be lost to this slice-cutoff.
Building underground? See the RED scribble;
Plenty of things I like about the new dig-tool (the transparency is great also the visibility of the dig size) but I’m still finding it really difficult to do any sort of building underground.
As I mentioned already the Hearthlings need this 3-voxel space above a build (since they build down towards their feet? - not sure on this one) but if they cant walk across the top of a build is seems to become invalid. This means all underground builds must have this empty space above them and you can’t build any wall, flush up to a cave ceiling.
See the WHITE scribble; There also seems to be an issue where a build will become invalid if the Hearthlings can’t place the first block from the side adjacent to them. In this corridor, was dug out a 1 deep 4x6 hole and filled with slab via the build-tool - it fails validation 100% of the time, until you grant access to one of the slabs via a horizontal face.
That was a bit wordy I apologise, hopefully I was clear.
I’ve been loving the game and most recently the updates have been rapid and rewarding - keep up the good work!