New_builder Move tool

Why is there no option to move a building as a hold, you can move rooms around, but if you make a build with some slaps as deco (like a lil cliff or something) then you cant move that with your building, and this is a pain, or if you want to place a template on the edge of a hole (in my case) then i cant move the template down 1 block to make it fit the bottom of the hole : /


You are actually writting the answer yourself? Save the design as a template, then you can move the structure around as you wish.

Regarding the hole issue, Chris is working on implementing these features into the builder, but we must have patience :slight_smile:

Thank you.

true, i can move is around, but i cant move it into the ground like this.
There is no way to just move it down by 1 block, it just feels like its a miss that you dont have that option to move it a lil, i can see that it might be wierd if people try to push a template half into a cliff or something.


but that is the goal… the future holds the answers you seek :slight_smile:

Doesn’t this work for these kind of circumstances?

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Life saver!! xD didnt even know that was an option, Thanks

Glad I could help. And yeah, documentation is all over the place. Let’s see what the future brings.

uf, it kinda works, until i rotate the building, then the game gives up :laughing:

But must say the new builder is great vs what we had, cant wait to see where it goes,