[New_builder] Construction gone wrong + destroyed building leaves hole in the grass

So i designed a building and set the hearthlings to work, but they seemed to screw something up? They needed to place some ladders but dug out the ground beforehand, so they could not place them? or at least that is what i think went wrong… i took a screenshot, but forgot to save. (EDIT: loaded and tried again, with the building stuck at the same spot, did save this time and included it under attachments).

EDIT 2: After reloading, the hearthlings seemed to figure out how to procceed and is now building again…

EDIT 3: now the hearthlings have completed the building and celebrated! BUT not all the ladders went poof!
Se screenshot under attachments. Further more, during the construction, some of the items in the buildlist was marked as missing, even though they were present in the stockpiles and inventory, may have something to do with quality?

Then i destroyed the building wich produced an engineerror and left a hole in the grass, where the building was located… the save is from that.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. look above.

Expected Results:
no bugs!.. nah that is really not what i expected, but how it of course should be :smiley:
Actual Results:
another theme for a bugreport :smiley:

EDIT: the savegame: buildingstuckbugsavegame.zip (6.1 MB)

removebuildingbugsavegame.zip (5.5 MB)



EDIT 3 savegame:
laddersremainsavegame.zip (6.3 MB)

And the template:
Lues BS workshop.zip (67.2 KB)

Version Number and Mods in use:
838 no mods
System Information:

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Roads too. I have seen that reported.

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Thank you for the report and the save file.