Need help converting a model

Hello! I have a model that didn’t export correctly from its source. If I tried to put it onto a hearthling, it becomes misaligned:

Even if I try to align it, the armour doesn’t go on correctly, and the game throws lots of weird model-related errors. Apparently this might have something to do with “exporting a model left handed” (?). If anyone here has qubicle, I’d be really glad for your help. Please help me get this armour working right! :smiley:

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It is just misaligned.


Move your outfit until it is over another one, (like the carpenter) and save it

Uh, I have fixed the model, I think.

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Yea i just fpound out as well that i misalligned it while exporting. But i currenly have no desktop availavle until sunday evening thats why we asked here ^¢^

There’s still kind of a problem. I don’t know how severe it is, but my log is full of this:

stacked matrix leftFoot size (6, 5, 7) does not match first matrix size of (31, 41, 31)
stacked matrix leftFoot pos (9, 0, 12) does not match first matrix pos of (0, 0, 0)
stacked matrix leftShoulder size (2, 3, 5) does not match first matrix size of (31, 41, 31)
stacked matrix leftShoulder pos (9, 14, 13) does not match first matrix pos of (0, 0, 0)
stacked matrix leftToe size (6, 3, 3) does not match first matrix size of (31, 41, 31)
stacked matrix leftToe pos (9, 0, 9) does not match first matrix pos of (0, 0, 0)
stacked matrix pelvis size (11, 5, 7) does not match first matrix size of (31, 41, 31)
stacked matrix pelvis pos (10, 5, 12) does not match first matrix pos of (0, 0, 0)
stacked matrix rightFoot size (6, 5, 7) does not match first matrix size of (31, 41, 31)
stacked matrix rightFoot pos (16, 0, 12) does not match first matrix pos of (0, 0, 0)
stacked matrix rightShoulder size (2, 3, 5) does not match first matrix size of (31, 41, 31)
stacked matrix rightShoulder pos (20, 14, 13) does not match first matrix pos of (0, 0, 0)
stacked matrix rightToe size (6, 3, 3) does not match first matrix size of (31, 41, 31)
stacked matrix rightToe pos (16, 0, 9) does not match first matrix pos of (0, 0, 0)
stacked matrix torso size (9, 10, 14) does not match first matrix size of (31, 41, 31)
stacked matrix torso pos (11, 8, 11) does not match first matrix pos of (0, 0, 0)
stacked matrix hat size (17, 7, 18) does not match first matrix size of (31, 41, 31)
stacked matrix hat pos (7, 28, 5) does not match first matrix pos of (0, 0, 0)
stacked matrix leftFoot size (6, 5, 7) does not match first matrix size of (31, 41, 31)
stacked matrix leftFoot pos (9, 0, 12) does not match first matrix pos of (0, 0, 0)
stacked matrix leftShoulder size (2, 3, 5) does not match first matrix size of (31, 41, 31)
stacked matrix leftShoulder pos (9, 14, 13) does not match first matrix pos of (0, 0, 0)
stacked matrix leftToe size (6, 3, 3) does not match first matrix size of (31, 41, 31)
stacked matrix leftToe pos (9, 0, 9) does not match first matrix pos of (0, 0, 0)
stacked matrix pelvis size (11, 5, 7) does not match first matrix size of (31, 41, 31)
stacked matrix pelvis pos (10, 5, 12) does not match first matrix pos of (0, 0, 0)
stacked matrix rightFoot size (6, 5, 7) does not match first matrix size of (31, 41, 31)
stacked matrix rightFoot pos (16, 0, 12) does not match first matrix pos of (0, 0, 0)
stacked matrix rightShoulder size (2, 3, 5) does not match first matrix size of (31, 41, 31)
stacked matrix rightShoulder pos (20, 14, 13) does not match first matrix pos of (0, 0, 0)
stacked matrix rightToe size (6, 3, 3) does not match first matrix size of (31, 41, 31)
stacked matrix rightToe pos (16, 0, 9) does not match first matrix pos of (0, 0, 0)
stacked matrix torso size (9, 10, 14) does not match first matrix size of (31, 41, 31)
stacked matrix torso pos (11, 8, 11) does not match first matrix pos of (0, 0, 0)
stacked matrix head_12 size (17, 7, 18) does not match first matrix size of (31, 41, 31)
stacked matrix head_12 pos (7, 27, 5) does not match first matrix pos of (0, 0, 0)
stacked matrix leftFoot size (5, 5, 7) does not match first matrix size of (31, 41, 31)
stacked matrix leftFoot pos (10, 0, 12) does not match first matrix pos of (0, 0, 0)
stacked matrix leftShoulder size (2, 2, 5) does not match first matrix size of (31, 41, 31)
stacked matrix leftShoulder pos (11, 13, 13) does not match first matrix pos of (0, 0, 0)
stacked matrix leftToe size (5, 3, 2) does not match first matrix size of (31, 41, 31)
stacked matrix leftToe pos (10, 0, 10) does not match first matrix pos of (0, 0, 0)
stacked matrix pelvis_18 size (11, 5, 8) does not match first matrix size of (31, 41, 31)
stacked matrix pelvis_18 pos (10, 5, 11) does not match first matrix pos of (0, 0, 0)

What is that?

That is because the software (I’m guessing VoxelShop) otimizes each matrix. So their bounding box (the space they occupy) is always the smallest possible, while the game is looking for a box that is sized as 31x31x41. I don’t know what problems this can raise, but my fisherman outfit also raises the same messages. Anything that is equipable over another model will display that.

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Have your users reported any issues with the Fisherman outfit?

Not that I’m aware.

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Ill export it trough qubical right if ill get back to fix this if its bothering you ^¢^

Please do, when you have a chance. I don’t think it’s a huge issue right now, but it is definitely slowing down the game by printing so much to the console. Most people probably don’t have the console permanently enabled, so it should be fine in most cases, but still… you know how it is, if you’re releasing a product, it’s your baby, you want it to be perfect.

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One software that exports exactly like Qubicle is this one:

In voxelshop it may be possible if you change the export settings to have the bounding box.