My Opinion of the price

Don’t pity me, I live in an awesome city! :sunglasses:

I also wasn’t attempting to judge anyone, simply present some information on why I believe the price of the game is more than fair.

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yea, if anyone, pity me! I’ve posted 4 times in this thread, and yet I lost my position as “frequent poster” to, at first, Soul, and then to Joshua. Both of them have only posted once, and joshua’s post will be deleted in 7 hours. why can’t I be a frequent poster orz

but yea, he wasn’t complaining about the price or low-balling anyway, he was just hoping it’d drop into his price range. his posts after the initial posts have shown as such. and even when told that it’s more likely the price will increase than it is to decrease, he’s more willing now than before to buy the game.

also, movies are a different experience. you’re not paying for “2 hours”, you’re paying to be in a large, dark, air-conditioned room with surround sound, no outside noise, a large screen, on top of what many argue is supposed to be a quality story but is mostly just explosions and a rushed end and is in every way inferior to books and- shot. but yea, it’s a different experience altogether. it’s better to compare it to other games, as at that point it’s in the same ballpark.


Chuckle…There!.. I liked all your post :slight_smile: Let’s see if that changes things.

will there be a sale anytime soon? cause atm i cant spend 30$ in steam money i only have 22

@Tyler13700 The sale prices usually happen after Early Access. There is still quite a bit of content the developers are planning to add into the game before it is ready for full release. Might see a sale price on Steam or Humble Bundle later on. ^.^

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I dunno, I still like to compare games to movie tickets, but where I am movies cost only about 9 dollars.

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I’m thinking the price is just right, remembering what we are getting for the price.
1: A great game that when finished will be better
2: Able to mod the game before it becomes finished
3: A super great Dev team that shares codes, tips and we have them live streaming not once but 3 times a week showing us how we can mod the game.

Do I need to go on.

Value for money as far as I can see.



I don’t really see the price going lower than it currently is, unless there’s a special limited time sale in the far future, when the game is complete. I will say though, Stonehearth has an enormous amount of potential, and is only getting better week by week. It’s worth the price.


There’s also a matter of remaining true to the Kickstarter backers. These guys paid 30$ and more to support an unproven and unfinished game, it would not be very fair to then sell it for 10$ to those who were not early supporters. While sales and promotions are fair game, having a starting price so much lower than the early access/alpha price ought to alienate many of the early supporters.

I believe the price will remain around 25-30$ for at least some time after the official release, before the sales begin.

i bought the game for 25$ but if the game was 30$-40$ i would buy it anyway.
and not cuz i am rich ,the reason is this is the best game i played ever.

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