Music and Soundtrack

@Raj even if your material isn’t featured in the game, you HAVE to mod it in. Somehow, some way, it’s gonna end up in this game!


both are excellent pieces, and are dripping with “16 bit goodness”… :wink:


I’m sure this will end up in the game somehow, be it officially, or modded, for some reason this really reminds me of Kingdom for Keflings.


I got major goosebumps dude! Damn awesome work Raj.


You will be able to contribute your music easily through mods.

Certainly I wish you all the best in having the creations you offer here being included.


Absolutely stunning. @Raj I just finished formal letter of recommendation of your work to Tom. I’m just a fan, but maybe it will help!

I would like to hear some battle music!


Wow, this is really impressive work, I’d certainly love some of this sort of stuff to be official music for the game!


Amazing. I hope your music is featured in this game!


@Lvl0User Wow thank you very much, what a compliment. You’ve made my day :slight_smile: The idea was to capture this lighthearted feel of building something from nothing, the whole journey that comes of it and eventually it comes to life. It’s more trailer music than anything.

@DAWGaMims haha I hope so!


@SteveAdamo Wow thank you! I’m glad and relieved you got that feeling from it. Chiptune and retrobit music is great but to me, I think it replaces all the character and heart of those old music pieces with gimmicks and nostalgia. It’s cheating to evoke a certain feel. It was the melodies that evoked those early music days, not the retro limited soundsets.

Back in the 16 bit days, composers were limited and, like graphics, their work was meant to build in the imagination. So I wanted to take away the quantized structure and looping and catchy melodies and leave behind the retro sounds. It wasn’t easy trying to keep the 16 bit feel in there, but hopefully I did and brought it a bit more to life :slight_smile:

@Geoffers747 I haven’t heard of that but yeah hopefully. If the project can help me with my goals, that would be amazing, otherwise, as a hobby, I’m not sure I’d have the time to write too many tracks. So fingers crossed!


@A1UR Thank you very much!

@Spiku What a lovely thing to say, thanks man! :slight_smile:


@Ben Wow, that’s so much appreciated! You’re awesome! Thank you! See below…

@Decho I appreciate that! They’re just demo’s and could use a lot of tweaking and mastering still but yeah that would be great!


@Jrose14 Thanks dude! :slight_smile:

Thanks for all the great feedback! I should start dropping these tracks as stretch goals huh? Alternate soundtrack. You out there, Tom? I only ask for 95% of your profits. And the remaining 5% to a charity cause I’m not greedy.

Kidding aside, battle music would be the next one (if only for you Ben) but what kind of battle music? Something really heavy and dark, frantic, or quirky? The game is very lighthearted but battles also need to have an element of intensity so how best to balance that…?

Anyone have any ideas? Any battle music out there you really like and could see in this game I could use as a guide or inspiration?

(PS @Stephenfreer haha thanks, man. You are really something else… )


Any battle music from Final Fantasy would get me going - but then I have been having a bit of a FF binge recently.


Awesome music! Definitely mod it in.


@Raj For battle music you would probably need 2 or more variants, for titan battles and for normal battles. For the titan one i would opt for a somewhat orchestral feel, high paced and keeping the notes pretty high since that would fit the game the best. For the casual battles i would go for something less frantic, maybe a bit heavier (though not too heavy and highly melodic to set a reasonably relaxed atmosphere.

Titan Example

PS: Great music so far :wink:


This is really great stuff Raj, I’m looking forward to hopefully hearing some of your pieces in the final game.


Hrmm… I am thinking for a casual battle (small group of orcs attack kinda deal), but it can’t be too much.

I don’t have much of an example, but I would shy away from too many instruments (your doing great right now). @Nyrixa made a good description.


@Raj: If this doesn’t capture Stonehearth, then I don’t know what would!
Great work, keep it up!


@Raj If you’re looking for some musical inspiration, just listen to pretty much anything John Williams and then throw in a little Final Fantasy 7. If that doesn’t get your creative juices flowing, I don’t know what will. :wink: