I was wondering if you guy ever plan on adding in an option to easily place down objects from your inventory menu.
Instead of having to find the wooden fences in the stockpile, it’ll be nice to click on the wooden fence and having an option to place the object from there.
example screenshot “photoshop of the idea”:
Oh wait… I can’t use Gyazo or upload pictures…
Have you tried going to the build menu and using the option to “place objects”? Your description sounds a lot like this tool. From a usability point of view, I have to agree, it’s a shame that these seemingly identical windows have two completely different uses and ways to get to them, and no way to switch between them even.
Here’s what I mean:
As for the screenshot, you can upload it for now to an image hoster like imgur and put the link here. One of the mods will then edit your post to add the images for you. ^^