More machines for engineer

I wonder if the radiant dev team will add more engineer structures and items. Such as a crossbow or maybe even some wooden robot things that can perform simple tasks, such as moving a single piece of wood to a storage area. The things needed to make the little guys would be rare, but it would be interesting.

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well the geomancer is already going to be able to create magical golemsā€¦ so that might already be coveredā€¦ depends on how the golems actually work.

My main concept was the engineer could make robots, but I was trying to find a more medieval term. Just the concept of the engineer making pets/allies etc. Say a ā€œrobotā€ that will defend citizens when activated.

In any case the engineer needs work, he is by far the least usefull class right now, and concidering how hard he is to attain (and the fact that you need to drop your blacksmith to make him) he really should bring your town to a brand new level.

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Definitely. the best he does is make turrets which are more of a distraction.

Iā€™d like to see water wheels and windmills needed to provide mechanical power for various things. You wouldnā€™t need to connect it all together with gears and shafts, thatā€™d probably be too time consuming for the devs, but itā€™d still provide power for things like looms, mills, traps etc. Such a thing would only make sense if the default hand operated devices took longer than they currently didā€¦


@MajorFordson going off the idea of water wheel being connected to looms, wouldnā€™t it be cool if once you connected up the water wheel with the loom it would create an advanced loom, allowing you to either create new items, or make items at an accelerated rate

These power sources could also power possible new machines for the engineer. Such as maybe a stationary catapult or hearthling manned turret is powered by one of these. The idea of primitive power is a great idea. I donā€™t know if the devs would go for primitive steampunk like devices though.

Maybe some crafter can get ā€˜batch workbenchesā€™ in late game, like the cook. Imagine a giant stone-oven, four by four voxels, which the cook can bake food in. It takes some longer, but the the cook can bake 5 breads in it at the same time. These workbenches I imagine would need this power.

I personally donā€™t like the idea of normal workbenches being powered. Many workbenches come in unpowered froms, and I think itā€™s part of stonehearths appeal that it is that way.

ā€¦and then I read @Yosmo78ā€™s idea, which is similar. I should really read on before I comment.

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Something a few similar games have implemented is water pumps. If you could create pipes that move water you could make your own irrigation and fountains, without the ability to just spawn the water from nowhere and drain lakes while still needing to find a place to put it.

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