Hey there! I have been was wondering if Radiant has ever mentioned anything about adding pistons, large gates, draw bridges, wire, or anything similar to Stonehearth? I have been somewhat active in the forums lately and havnt seen anything like it other than lockable doors, and turrents. If not it would be awesome to add levers, wire, pistons and such so people can create some cool stuff, and along with that add a whole new game play to the game. Feel free to comment.
They’ve talked on stream about wanting the engineer to add more motion to the town. I don’t know their exact plans. I don’t think Radiant’s going to add any very complicated system, given that they’ve tried to stay away from micro-management in the past.
I definitely want something. If it’s not added in officially, I’ll probably delve into modding here soon.
I’d be very cool with this, to a point. Things like a windmill that grinds corn and wheat into meal and flour (respectively), pulling from an inventory and feeding into an inventory. Or a clockwork ‘feeder’ that uses a timer and an internal suppy of animal feed, automatically keeping your pigs, poyos, and sheep fed up to twelve times before the engineer has to refill the hopper. Heck, it could even be cool to have something unique, like conveyor belts that have to be hooked up to coal-fired engines, maybe one engine per 24 tiles long, that allow you to use them as a mass transit system, or freight hauling, or both.
Actually i would love to have a functional windmill that could maybe make flour/ect faster than by hand and other such buildings for improving production speed.
Engines that just need to be fed coal every day to turn an adjacent gear or windmill blades that do the same with variable force, shafts to transfer that energy from the output to the input, conveyors that take torque inputs to move items or millstones that use it to mill stuff into flour and pet foods (using hoppers as inventories and chutes that drop items from the hoppers into the mill and the mill into the output hopper on the ground floor, as in the operation of a regular mill)