After she chalanges Athena on her crafting skills!
…Which, probably isn’t the case here…
Yeah, that’d be awesome, but i lak the knowlage to make a proper one
After she chalanges Athena on her crafting skills!
…Which, probably isn’t the case here…
Yeah, that’d be awesome, but i lak the knowlage to make a proper one
Make a Stonehearth pantheon of gods… Named after Team Radiant themselves…
What a great mod idea…
Also helps @ your second point. No worries about getting yelled at by hardcore Mythology buffs.
She chalanges the mighty Yang herself! On the craft of weaving code, she is defeated and is punished with being turned into spider to weave webs for the rest of her liiife!
I was thinking Ally? Who’s been doing the tapestries lately on the stream?
Ah, that’ll make sense!
And she morphed her model!
I’d like to make a Stonehearth Pantheon now…
How many Team Radiant people are there tho now?
Tom, Tony, Brad, Stephanie, Yang, Albert, Malley, Richard, Chris, and the new Nikki?
Now who is the god/goddess of what…
EDIT: Awkward I didn’t list Ally when I just mentioned her in a post above.
You forgot Allie and Linda. And Doug (lately nobody remembers him, even though he makes the sounds/music together with Raj)
Are we derailing this thread too much? >_>
@Hyrule_Symbol -I love it!
Your animations looks very smooth and has weight in them!
IMOO, the talons on the lower torso gives it an extra eerie feeling (in a good way)
Here’s another! “Throw”
(and with Motion-blur again!)
it’s a little tricky to make anything thrown in animations since the tools constantly try to follow the hand’s movement, but it’s not too much of a chore
this’ll probably be the last one for a while (at-least combat related ones)
she’ll have about 5~6 attacks in total, and some are quite awesome(in my head) so i’ll b keeping them secret!
though i may just sneak in some other animations in here and there, either Arachne or some other creature
Edit: oh, and this anim may let you guess what kind of attacks she can perform
This stuffs awesome, what program are you using? I kinda wanna give it a try!
I’m using blender! It’s a free program that you can find on steam or on their website
You’ll need the add-on that @voxel_pirate provided a while ago if you want to make it work in-game, (and watch his tutorials on the add-on)
For animations, i’d suggest watching some animation basics or rules video put somewhere, even if it covered 2D, many rules still apply to 3D
Cool, I’ll have to give it a try after I figure out all the stuff for modding xD
Chris has told me the current cap is 40, and it sounded like that cap wouldn’t change : /.
Awesome work overall : ), I really like the idle and look around for the arachne. I think your walk looks a bit too mechanical - try looking at some actual spider footage:, or see how other people have done it before: (procedural) (hand animated - nice organic feeling)
I think the parts you are currently missing are the body wag (left and right) and that the legs are just too rhythmic.
I really like your transfer of weight in general, also your secondary animation is nice : ).
Thank you for sharing - I hope to see more!
These guys are really, really nicely done! Your models look great, like the overall shapes and proportions are really on point, and mesh well with the hearthling halves of your characters. I adore ms. spider lady Arachne. The blue gradient on the mermaid’s tail is also really splended, and her hair looks so cool! Thanks for sharing, keep up the great work : D
are spiders girls/mermaids going to be in the game because it would be pretty cool the spider girl could guard dungeons it would be cool to try to befriend them but idk about that… and the mermaids could guard chests or give quests in big enough ponds like
"The goblins keep killing all the fish in the lake we’re running out of food could you take care of them for us"
Something like this
I also feel these animations don’t match the game they are WAY to smooth
Yes indeed, they’re for a mod i’m working on that was temporarily dormant,
Well, i don’t think it’s something to worry about, Since, technically they have absolutely no difference, they have the same frame rate, and are animated the same way, i suspect it to be the motion-blur making it feel way more smoother, though if you were talking about the movement, i don’t think it’s much to worry about, sunce we now have @malley making some suuper smooth animations here!
Thank you so much @Allie ! That means a lot since, well, i’m a big fan of your work!
I was actually gonna get a doodle saying thanks, but that seemed like an overkill
Thanks for pointing it out, i was honestly a liiitle lazy when animating her walk, mostly because i was traumatized by the memories of animating her when she had limbs/full legs, i see what you mean, i’ll try to tweak her animation when i get the time!
Also, thanks for the great ref’s
took the advice from @malley and tweaked the walking animation!
i dunno, in one hand my head goes “yeah, that’s better!” but at the other side it goes “that’s a little weirder”
it’s like… good because it has more of a creepy-crawl feeling but it feels weird for some reason
i think it’s because the loop has to end at one frame and i’m trying to make it all a little off beat with each other,
i guess i’ll be looking into this animation a bit longer
That is super cool - feels much more organic, Tom and Tony just saw it over my shoulder and both said “Woah, Creepy!” But I do agree, there is something a little off still. Let me take a stab at trying to figure it out…
So just looking at one foot on the right hand side at a time:
The front foot seems to slide forward as it is hits the ground.
The second foot seems to be rotating from its mid point and there is a little bit of sliding on the ground (but is probably the best of the feet I think).
And then the third and fourth are offset but have about the same issue, they slide a little forwards as they land, but they are also fairly even in the amount of time they are on the ground and the air.
Looking at the reference I sent you above, I think part of the issue is that your feet pivots are probably at the center of gravity of the foot. Not that this makes your task impossible, just much harder - and changing it now would mean you’d have to redo the feet of your other animations… so not worth it. As a way to fix it, I would suggest moving the entire model with a root node forward at a set pace, then using a little cube on the ground to make the contact point stay solid. Then when you’re done with the animation, just remove the forward movement on the root node, and it should be good to go : ). (And delete the little cubes). On second thought, that could be really poppy… watching the root pop back to frame one each loop - it might be better to have the cubes move backwards at a set rate, and just keep the spider where she is : ). Actually, on third thought, I think I would suggest doing the root move first as an initial pass, and then remove the root anim and place it on the little cubes instead to finish the animation. Sorry for being confusing ; 9.
Another thing I notice with the feet in the reference, they seem to stay on the ground versus being in the air for a ratio of about 3:2 (more time spent on the ground). That is to say: while the feet are flying through the air to the next point on the ground, they move much more rapidly. Your feet look to be about about 1:1.
And one last thing on the feet, the contact points seem to ease in and out of the impact. Maybe try breaking their bezier handles to make them snap in and snap out.
Moving on to the body… hmm, actually I don’t really have anything. I was gonna say the butt looks like its lagging a little whereas the reference of the hand animated spider above keeps the butt ‘taut’ - however, I think that is befitting of a very small spider that weighs next to nothing. Your spider’s butt feels heavier, like she has to actually use her muscles to maintain its position, lest it start bumping into her legs or drag on the ground - which is true for a human sized (or larger) spider person, so nice job : ).
So the last bit would be the hair bone. It feels a little floaty at the moment… maybe give it a little more weight, have it hang down most of the time and when the body moves up, have it pop up a bit then settle back down? Some reference (though honestly its a little hard to find):
I guess my brain is suggesting that it should be exaggerated a little bit - as in the running animations I’m finding - but in the walks, their hair doesn’t move much at all… so maybe just remove the hair bounce or back it off a bit instead? Best bet would probably be to play with the feet a little more 'til you’re happy with them, and then come back to the hair ; ).
Great work though, and thank you so much for sharing!
P.S. You should put your “Before” and “After” next to each other in the same post so people can easier see how much its improved : ).
Ooh, yeah, i’m surprized i didn’t catch that!
Suppose rushing on time makes me a little unobservant
Again, thatnks for the great refs!, I rarely search them since i just do the actions myself(in-doors damage is common)
The foot actually have a origin at the tip, my mistakes when making the golem taught me to do so, so the one that looks like it’s rotating on the middle is actually just on a perfect timing on rotation and movement.
But actually, though i don’t Hate this walk cycle, i think i’d be better of re-making it than tweaking it, i reeealy want to get that off-beat of each leg, but that’ll require some tricky looping, which will likely just breat the body’s whole rythm, especially with you pointing out that the real legs contact the ground longer than the air-time, i think it’ll be faster and likely easier to just start over, which i am willing to do, since you’re right, and i love spiders, so i want to get that part right!
The hair is something i kinda have fun with most of the time, bacause it’s like a usless asthetic pice of silliness for me(it’s design, sure, but it’s just soo much fun making) whick i’m not so sure with, i get what you mean by ‘floaty’ but it’s kinda made to be seated(if static) at a 30or so degree angle, and one odd thing is that she isn’t really Human, a Human has that ‘Bump’ if they walk, a low impact point if you can call it that way, but she has a constant and steady contact with the ground, i was even hesitant to make her bob up and down at-all
For the hair though, i suppose it can use a little less bobbing? Just to give it a little more weight, but i think we’ll have to see when i’m done reanimating her
Oh, nice that the pivot is at the tip. hehe, We typically learn our best from when we screw up : ).
Re-starting may be easiest, but I don’t think you’re that far off right now. Up to you ; ). For the looping, I would suggest not worrying about it too much - maybe just animate strait ahead until you find something you like, then make it loop afterwards (but maybe not, just an idea).
For the hair - don’t forget its just a critique, you can take or leave any part as you see fit : ).
Thanks for reading through!