Moddable areas for more Jobs

I want to ask for a way, to mod new areas in the game, like the trapper-Area.
It would be a great thing to make special Jobs, like a Beekeeper (places
in this area beehives, or a ranger, which plants automaticly new Trees in this area
if there are to less, or a way for the fisher man, we could replace the swim animation
with a sailing animation, and he could so fish in this area of water …

I believe the game automatically detects new classes and adds branches for them

I don’t know the details on how you make the game read them but i’m pretty sure it does at-least work

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I’m not a good modder, but I think it is already possible.

You could reuse the trapper class for your base class. You would also need to change the UI to add the new area marker for your class. Oh, and the models, but that is obvious. And that’s it really. (I think)

I think we should stop thinking of a new job for every single task/mechanic, it would be better to add more tasks to already existing classes.
Just think of the carpenter, aslong as you don’t give him tasks to craft something, he acts like normal worker. He probably got the time to take care of the forest, cutting old trees, replanting. A Mason and blacksmith also need some “working life” which they perform aslong no crafting tasks are available, like mining would fit. On the otherside you have to think, that you don’t need 200 logs of wood per day, so a class who only takes care of the forest would overfill your stockpile. So a “cut/gather resource x, if we have y or less amount of it in the stockpile”-function is needed too.
Beekeeping could be the daily job for the herbalist, also with symbiotic function with flowers and herbs.
Foraging ( automatic gathering) mushrooms and other forest styled goods could be a job for the trapper.
Beer and wine could be produced by the cook.
The shepherder could be reconfigurated, so the “sheep” zone could be for feeding animals without crops, but once they eat all the grass the zone has to be moved. To set up the maximum amount of animals, they could add craftable stuctures, which work as sleeping places for animals (one for each animal) like nests for poyos and small flat heaps of straw for sheeps. Additionaly the animals could drop poop, which has to be gathered by the shepherd, to prevent diseases and to craft fertilizer in compost bin with rotten food.
With such methods they could implement immersive life among the village and add tons of content.


Wow… you just added so much to the game that I got excited about it all over again. Bravo!

It would be neat if these were the kinds of things they got access to as they level up beyond level six. Right now there’s really no reason to play a game more than a few days, after that your Hearthlings all become master craftsmen and your towns become well established cities.


Great idea’s! Lets hope the dev’s have some amazing idea’s how to include this into the game. For now, lets keep in mind that we are talking about a alpha game. Play it as long as you have fun and start a new village when there are new options in the game to discover

I prefer the “endless” gamemode, with resource cycles and woosy life in the village. Anno 1404, settler 3-4 and even knights and merchants could be played for hours. But i always missed lot of logical gameplay mechanics or simply a wide content, just hours of completing lots of different little tasks instead of few big ones…