[MOD? ]Various Races and Creation menu

I’m not available on here as much as I use to be, but yes it is totally possible. Start with what Drotten has mentioned. If you need any assistance feel free to DM me and I’ll see if I Can help.


Kanpai! :sake:


Okay thanks for the advice I will look into it and update when I have progress to show. I appreciate the help :slightly_smiling:

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Okay so I have been incredibly busy but I made my new faction and finally it’s actually able to be in game. Still a few bugs I have to work out and I’m actually waiting for the world to load but I am beyond excited. If I can’t fix the bugs on my own I will definetly write here again. Wish me luck :+1:t3:


I am so sorry for the lack of updates so far, I have been pretty busy lately with college and all and i will probably be busy until around next week, i have been trying to work on this project when i do get time but HW does take up most of that time, SO to make up for the lack of updates i give you a dancing kirby---->
(>--)> ^(--)^ <(-_-<)


So I thought I progressed with the mod even further but now my faction isn’t even showing up. Any ideas about why? I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled the game and physically put in the smod files for the faction and its ui into the mods folder of stone hearth but still nothing…

Did you use a mixinto to add your kingdom into the playable_kingdom_index.json?

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I’m not sure what a mixinto is but I studied the RC files and literally just converted everything into my new faction “The Scourge”.

RC read
“kingdoms”: {
“rayyas_children” : “rayyas_children:kingdoms:rayyas_children”

My faction was
“kingdoms”: {
“the_scourge” : “the_scourge:kingdoms:the_scourge”

@Avairian if it means anything when I tried to test them there was an error right away(this was obviously before they wouldn’t load). I couldn’t see the villager selection before the game started and when it did no males loaded. I only had 5 villagers. I have made a new Male_5 - Male_7 but I’m going to start matching stuff up with the RC files and see where theres any changes and make sure that everything is matched to where its supposed to be.

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Possible to send me a pm with a link to your mod? I could take a look at it.


I fixed an error in my mod posted below. I added the said file into (stonehearth:manifest.json) in alphabetical order but now when I start the game to see if theres any other errors that I need to fix it starts up but then closes out on me. any suggestions?

release-491 (x64)
c++ exception: ‘stonehearth’ has no alias named ‘mixins:worker_outfit_3’ in the manifest.
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'load_json’
radiant/modules/resources.luac:9: in function 'load_json’
stonehearth/services/server/shop/shop_service.luac:41: in function '_get_sellable_entity_description’
stonehearth/services/server/shop/shop_service.luac:17: in function '_init_sellable_items’
stonehearth/services/server/shop/shop_service.luac:6: in function 'initialize’
stonehearth/stonehearth_server.luac:5: in function 'create_service’
stonehearth/stonehearth_server.luac:35: in function 'instance’
radiant/modules/events.luac:98: in function <radiant/modules/events.luac:96>
[C]: in function 'xpcall’
radiant/modules/events.luac:96: in function <radiant/modules/events.luac:86>

these errors are generally caused by typos, check and make sure you have the file paths, file names, etc. named correctly, if you want a second pair of eyes to help you try and find it, feel free to PM me the mod.


Hey just wondering if anyone here ever had an issue with your kingdom name not showing up, during the select kingdom part, in the beginning. For some reason its referring to my population folder, specifically

“display_name”: “i18n(caos:data.caos_population.display_name)”, but only inside the parenthesis’ shows up.

Ive compared it to RC file and its all the same

Looks great, Maybe you should make custom hairstyles if possible, something fitting for an Elf, and make custom armor and prfession clothing models :smiley: Just a Suggestion!