Mod doesn't work

The descriptions still don’t work. I found the Problem with the recipes but the description doesn’t works…

Everything works now, … but only the locales file don’t will work… i’m sure this is a small & stupid error in the code but i can’t find it

i changed the entire code for the locales. but seems not to working. i really can’t find the problem. the only thing that i see in the descriptions is the code line. but i paste the code from the original stonehearth smod with some modifications. still don’t working :disappointed_relieved:

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you need to add
“jobs”: {
“herbalist”: {

on the first line of en.json

the typo is incorrect.
take a mod for see what have you to do.

you have several error of typo in all files.
reedit your file and check the typo [ {}] etc.
uses a better ident of 4 car

Ah is this neccessary? Because in the new file i changed the order of the files.

I already checked other mods. Also for typo. Sometimes i copied the entire code to avoid errors

This are my files for the bookshelf…


	"recipes" : {
    "bookshelf_recipe" : {
      "recipe_name" : "Potions Bookshelf",
      "description" : "Decorative Shelf for all your healing books.",
      "flavor" : "Also a Herbalist sometimes needs some help."
	"entities" : {
    "furniture" : {
      "bookshelf_ghost" : {
        "description" : "Collects all your healing knowledge.",
        "name": "Potions Bookshelf"


	"type" : "recipe",

	"work_units" : 5,
	"recipe_name" : "i18n(homesweethome:recipes.bookshelf_recipe.recipe_name)",
	"description" : "i18n(homesweethome:recipes.bookshelf_recipe.description)",
	"flavor" : "i18n(homesweethome:recipes.bookshelf_recipe.flavor)",
	"portrait" : "/homesweethome/entities/furniture/herbalist/bookshelf/bookshelf.png",
	"level_requirement" : 1,
	"workshop" : "stonehearth:herbalist:workbench",

	"ingredients" : [
			"material" : "wood resource",
			"count" : 3
	"produces" : [{
			"item" : "homesweethome:herbalist_bookshelf"


	"mixins": "stonehearth:mixins:placed_object",
	"components": {
		"model_variants": {
			"default": {
				"models": [
      "mob": {
         "model_origin": { "x": -0.5, "y": 0, "z": 0.3 },
         "region_origin": { "x": 0.05, "y": 0, "z": 0.05 }
		"entity_data": {
			"stonehearth:catalog": {
				"display_name": "i18n(",
				"description": "i18n(",
				"icon": "file(bookshelf.png)",
				"category": "furniture",
				"material_tags": "wood furniture crafted crate stockpile_furniture"

here my mod. see yourself.

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A good way to avoid coding typos is to check it with jsonlint. Just copy your code in the jsonlint window and check.
That is not preventing path errors but helps a lot.

If you break with the original folder structure there will be a lot of path work.

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i see… used already jsonlint. found a small error and i will check your mod @artifus to learn how to avoid this problems :wink:

Wow finally works! ^^ thx @artifus your mod was very helpful.

Only a small thing i can’t make work. the ordinal of the items in the craft system

the small jar have to be on first place in the craft menu but its on the second place… not so a big problem but maybe i can make it work

"containers" : {
         "ordinal": 7,
         "name": "i18n(",
         "recipes" : {
             "herbalist_small_jar" : {
                "recipe" : "file(small_jar_recipe.json)"
            "herbalist_large_jar" : {
               "recipe" : "file(large_jar_recipe.json)"

i dont know how to sort in a selected category.
i tried :
“Wall_Hand_Rail_V_Left” : {
“recipe” : “file(Wall_Hand_Rail_V_Left_recipe.json)”,
“ordinal”: 1

but not working.

anyone know how to sort ?

They are all auto sorted based on level. As a tie breaker they are then sorted alphabetically.

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