##Better Market Stalls
This mod makes a change to the trader game mechanic to limit what they will purchase from you, and adds in more specialized stalls and traders. Each of the new stalls have multiple levels. The higher the level, the more items offered, and the lower the prices.
Currently this has only been programmed for the Ascendancy. Stall’s are available for crafting to Rayya’s Children, and will limit what they will buy from you, but only offer wood and stone for selling. I’ll make that happen once I work out some issues, and have a better picture solidified on how everything will work within this mod.
Blue Market Stall (from the base game)
- Lowered carpenter level to build
- Is the base for building all other stalls.
- Sells all Resources (instead of just wood and stone)
- Only buys resources
Blacksmith Stall
- Buys and sells Armor, Weapons, and Ingots.
- 4 Levels
Farmers Market
- Buys and sells crops and cooking ingredients.
- 2 Levels
Furniture Stall
- Buys and sells furniture items.
- 2 Levels
- Buys and sells decoration items.
- 2 Levels
##Some Extra Information.
I originally set out to make stalls where your hearthlings could sell off items they made, but wanted a way to do limit what each trader would buy from you. No sense in having a farmers market that is easier to obtain than a blacksmith market, if you could sell weapons to the same trader that was buying food from you. That idea morphed the more I played with everything and started coming up with more ideas on how to expand on it.
I’m not 100% set on anything that I have made here. You will see at the moment the crafting of the different levels of stalls aren’t as limited as the probably should be. I went back and forth with myself on different ways to go about these, and also plan on adding on more. Here’s some of the arguments I had with myself so far and will be revisited again based on feedback:
Do I go with class specialty markets, or item type?
Originally I was thinking class specialty, then I went more towards item type because 1) not all classes can craft, 2) item types turned out to be easier. I had to start getting more and more specific in what each trader/market sold going the class route, but I don’t want to start limiting it down to only base game items, and leave it open enough so that this mod will interact well with items created in other mods.
How should the levels be unlocked
With not all classes being able to craft, I thought about going to make them require something that class produces to be involved with the crafting of the stalls: eg: Farmers Market 1 would take a couple baskets of a crop, and Farmers Market 2 require something a cook made. Something seemed really silly about watching a carpenter saw through a basket of carrots. I also thought about having money involved in the crafting, the whole “it takes money to make money”, that turned problematic in actually implementing. This is the route I took for now, and made a work around of having to buy upgrade plaques from the blue market stall at 100g a pop, and stalls take different amounts to upgrade.
I also though of creating a merchant class, and that would make the level unlocks part easy, but I don’t have a feasible plan yet on how implement the merchant gaining experience to level up, and kind of seems like a waist of a hearthling promotion without having other stuff to do than build a market stall every once in a while.
Anyway, here’s the download link and look forward to feedback.
Version 0.11 w/ Hot Fix - better_markets.zip (572.6 KB)
Fixed the farmers market stall recipe.
Version 0.11 - better_markets011.zip (572.6 KB)
Mob and region tweaks.
Stalls will line up with correctly with with each other, and the Blue Market Stall from the base game.
Traders are more likely to hang out in front of the stall instead of behind or to the side.
Version 0.1 - better_markets.zip (571.9 KB)