Missing Tiers On PayPal Pledge?

Hi everyone,

just wondering if it is just me or if anyone else noticed, that while you can finally pledge through paypal, there are still a few tiers missing. Is this just some kind of bug for me, or do others don´t have these tiers neither? Link

For example, I can´t seem to find the Titan Tier on the Paypal-page.

Paypal is more work to organise because the devs cannot use the Kickstarter interface.
It’s not unusual to have fewer tiers available to keep things manageable.

Also, paypal has a tendency to freeze accounts when larger amounts of money is paid to it for no apparent reason, it even happened to Mojang and that was just for their first Minecon.

I can imagine that they sat down and looked at what rewards the tiers gave and chose from those that would be most appealing.

Keeping that in mind, depending on what type of paypal account theirs is, it can be VERY expensive for them to accept payments over them, as some account types actually allows paypal to take a percentage of the amount paid, so you can imagine if someone did a $5000 pledge via paypal, a significant chunk of it could go to paypal instead of benefit the devs.