MADNESS! Steam version was temporarily active!

So… does that mean the steam version is no longer available? I did manage to download the game, but it is currently crashing Steam bigtime, and if that’s because it’s been pulled, I’ll just stop trying to mess with it and wait for the ‘real’ alpha build in a few weeks.

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no I do not have one

For those of you unable to locate the client now, the truth is you’re all part of an elaborate rouge put on by @sdee… it seems she’s been harnessing her Jedi mind tricks … successfully

carry on citizens … nothing to see here!


I got the “abnormal program termination” error I mentioned previously on the Graphics Test v2 thread. Please say that this will be fixed for the beta!

well, there’s two solid weeks of bug squashing ahead … fingers crossed!

So, what happened? Was the Steam release an accident, or what? Also, anyone know when the non-Steam download will happen?

Wooo! Was able to download, but it seems to be the graphics test. :stuck_out_tongue:

@Swift_Cube… yes, it was an accident (radiant is resting [and testing] the distribution process)… and the plan is for both options to be available at alpha release…


Everything is great! Thanks for featuring everything straightened out before the actual release on the 30th! That would have been horrible in all the confusion and celebration.

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Well, I guess it’s time to make a Steam account . . .

One question for those that played the pre-alpha. Could you play in full-screen?

Not that I found, if you mean full-screen as in no window bar at top and the windows bar at the bottom, but maximize worked. Then again I didn’t really do to much with the alpha.

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I logged on a friends PC but had to go to the market, it was the SH alpha, got so excited.

I come back later, saw there was an automatic update. Now I have the graphics test.

There is no way to explain the rage I now have for whoever did that.

patience my friends… t-minus two weeks till we’ll have the legitimate release… :+1:

Looked pretty legitimate to me. The only thing I have to complain about in that fake release and the graphics test is the camera movement. Absolutely terrible. It should move the screen when your mouse goes to the edges, or when you click WASD or the arrow keys. Having to scroll in and out to move around is just really annoying.

well, it was a legitimate client (perhaps that was the wrong word), but it was not an intentional release…

as for the controls, that’s precisely the sort of feedback we will all have the opportunity to provide once we’re engaged in the testing process… :+1:


If you [shift] + [Drag] it will pan the camera. I do agree that it should pan the camera when you move to the edge of the screen.


By the time I found out it was over, lol.

I just litrally did the steam code thing, right this minute, still working, or working again I don’t know but its up

EDIT: aww, its just the graphics test 2 I got, sad now

I’m impressed everyone who found it didn’t post it any videos or pictures of it online. I like it when people online follow the rules.