Lots and Lots of Cosmetic Craftables

I feel like this could already be planned for the future but please add tons and tons of craft-able cosmetic items like more paintings and chair types, dressers and book selves, fireplaces and chimney’s; the list is potentially endless.

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You should check out the Praisedb website at http://praisedb.x10.bz it was set up by @Shizuyori I use quite a few of them. Praise - Stonehearth Mod Manager This the link to the forum post

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I feel this is something the modding community (including me, as I’m conceited enough co count myself among these) can help with. Even more so, I have an idea. @8BitCrab , can you by the power of your 8-bit sea magic transform this topic into a request topic?

The idea is as follows: a player leaves a request with description (and possibly a sketch of an item he has in mind). Other players can like the ideas they see, showing which ones the community wants more. If any of the modders feels like doing it, he creates such a model and posts it here.

To preserve the motivation of model creators I propose requesting only small items which do not require extensive programming/scripting.

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as far as i’m aware, the amount of craftable decorations will be greatly increased at a later date, but for now the team is focusing on adding other new content.

while i love the idea of something like that, i see no reason to change this topic into something like that. feel free to make your own thread in the Modding category for it though. :slight_smile:

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I did almost set up a simple suggestions page on praise which everyone could vote on ideas and it would be split in to categories and then each idea would have a page with detailing ideas etc, after speaking with Wiese we decided it was best left for suggestions to be made here in the forums.

If there is interest I don’t mind doing it :slight_smile:
You could also have a bit on the suggestion so that when someone has made the requirement it would fulfill the suggestion so they’re tied together in a way

Ps thanks for the link Geokhan

[quote=“8BitCrab, post:4, topic:21495”]
while i love the idea of something like that, i see no reason to change this topic into something like that. feel free to make your own thread in the #modding category for it though. :slight_smile:
[/quote] In an uncharacteristic deep voice: So be it.