Kodi4444's workshop mods

You’re amazing, Kodi. I’ll put this mod through the wringer for you, and make sure it’s working correctly. Tomorrow. Time for work. :3

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Hearthlings who spawn from the daily updates spawn with stats from 1-1000, instead of remaining 1/1/1.

I will get on that.

I’ve tried the rework of the mod. I am still having the same issue, where daily update hearthlings spawn with higher than 1/1/1 stats. I unsubscribed, and resubscribed, closing the game between those steps.

I’m not using any other mods that alter hearthling stats, but I’ll list them for you, just in case I don’t know what I’m talking about, as a non-modder. :3

Canyon Biome
Fisher Job + Archipelago Biome
MBS Training
Miner Profession
Not Supper Mod (for completeness)
Riallwood - Basic Template Pack
Sacred Grove Biome
Vasedro - Basic Template Pack
Vasedro - High Template Pack
Vasedro - Walls and Defenses

are you getting any errors?

No. The game is working fine, but the daily update immigration shows up with a random amount of Mind/Body/Spirit between 1-1000.

I have a temporary fix, but you would have to replace the modified file I made manually in the game folder.

Works for me. How do I do this?


That worked. Is there anything I should avoid doing, to break this? I don’t see any other mods I’m currently interested in, besides professions like glassworks and necro.

it should work with Most mods if not all.

Just a message to say I’m having no further issues. Everything is working fine. Many thanks for helping me.

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Just wanted to say this mod isn’t working for me now. There were some recent patches so maybe they changed something? (The 6/6/6 mod to be specific)

are you using the backpack mod?

@Kodi4444 I am, it looks like they recently updated it to not conflict. I haven’t re-enabled yours yet. I’ll do that. Thanks!

This is working again with the updated backpack mod.

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The SuperMod 1-X doesn’t work now since the update with a new game - all I get is 1-6 instead of 1-12 like I set it for - no idea if it’s a conflict with another mod as I have a “few” plus ACE

These mods feels obsolete now that we got this:

Check if that would be a better option for you, as at least it works for sure with any kingdom and allows very specific stat edits.

Cool I’ll have a look - does it randomize or do you set the stats yourself as the part I liked about the super mod was it randomized the stats from 1-12

You set the stats for every hearthling individually, as well as give or remove traits to them. Only at the beginning when you select your citizens. I run it alongside a mod I made that assigns random stats from 3-20 so future hearthlings have better than 1-6 stats. It’s awesome, check it out!