Kitty tests A23 (unstable) Mods

  • Note: I am only testing mods that I was using before updating to A23 unstable.
    • If you have a mod you’d like me to test that is not included here, feel free to post and let me know. I’ll give it a run.

Does not load:
Colorful Floors/Walls
Terrain Colors
Color Blocks


Emphasis: Loads.
I did not thoroughly test gameplay with all of these on the first past.
Just if the game loaded, and if the mod content seemed to show up.

Better Stockpiles:


Anorien Biome:

Archipelago Biome:


Canyon Biome:

Box Command:

Brewery Mod:

Settlement Decor:

End Pieces:

Commemorative Items:


Fornjotr - Models Mod:

Chabonit’s Mod - Wealth and Leadership:

Home sweet home:

Corruption Biome:

Extra Loadouts:

Sacred Grove:

Pillar Biome:

MaraRose’s Container Mod:

Great Coltini’s Stonehearth Expanded:

Hearthlings of Many Faces:

8BitCrab’s Rune Mod: V2.6:

Signery Mod:

Giant Map Mod:


Yang & co’s Decorations:

Roll For Need:
Umm…this one is kinda hard to test quickly, will get back to you on it…

Season Mod:
Similar case as above.

Swamp Biome:

Loads but doesn’t seem to work / doesn’t work correctly:

Stonehearth Cafe:
( Though apparently getting a drink does not work )

My own experience verifies this: Stonehearth gives an error about the fetch task for drinks

release-765 (x64)[M]
stonehearth/components/ai/ai_component.lua:84: (4236 Pyat Homer) has no task group stonehearth:basic_needs
stack traceback:
[C]: ?
[C]: in function ‘assert’
stonehearth/components/ai/ai_component.lua:84: in function ‘get_task_group’
cookmod/components/hydration/hydration_component.lua:164: in function ‘spawn_drink_task’
cookmod/components/hydration/hydration_component.lua:179: in function ‘_start_drink_task’
cookmod/components/hydration/hydration_component.lua:114: in function ‘_consider_drinking’
cookmod/components/hydration/hydration_component.lua:36: in function <cookmod/components/hydration/hydration_component.lua:17>

Desert-Forest Transition Biome:

release-765 (x64)[M]
radiant/modules/validator.lua:25: expected at least 5 arguments but received 4
stack traceback:
[C]: ?
[C]: in function ‘error’
radiant/modules/validator.lua:25: in function ‘check_num_arguments’
radiant/modules/validator.lua:4: in function ‘expect_argument_types’
…vices/server/game_creation/game_creation_service.lua:162: in function <…vices/server/game_creation/game_creation_service.lua:161>


release-765 (x64)[M]
stonehearth/ai/actions/produce_crafted_items.lua:74: attempt to call method ‘get_fine_percentage’ (a nil value)
stack traceback:
stonehearth/ai/actions/produce_crafted_items.lua:74: in function ‘_determine_outputs’
stonehearth/ai/actions/produce_crafted_items.lua:110: in function ‘_get_outputs’
stonehearth/ai/actions/produce_crafted_items.lua:133: in function ‘_add_outputs_to_bench’
stonehearth/ai/actions/produce_crafted_items.lua:26: in function <stonehearth/ai/actions/produce_crafted_items.lua:21>
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: in function ‘run’
stonehearth/services/server/tasks/task_action.lua:196: in function <stonehearth/services/server/tasks/task_action.lua:193>
[C]: ?

[C]: in function ‘run’
stonehearth/components/ai/ai_component.lua:515: in function <stonehearth/components/ai/ai_component.lua:499>
[C]: in function ‘xpcall’
radiant/modules/commons.lua:66: in function ‘xpcall’
stonehearth/components/ai/ai_component.lua:499: in function ‘_thread_main’
stonehearth/services/server/threads/thread.lua:273: in function <stonehearth/services/server/threads/thread.lua:270>
[C]: in function ‘xpcall’
radiant/modules/commons.lua:66: in function ‘xpcall’
stonehearth/services/server/threads/thread.lua:270: in function ‘f’
radiant/lib/env.lua:15: in function <radiant/lib/env.lua:14>

Final note: The ones that work will not have any Appeal rating on items, naturally.
I also did some digging into Stonehearth Cafe’s code (hopefully the friendly neighborhood @Froggy will not be too upset), and am currently testing what might be a fix for the drinking/water issue.


Final list of ones that load and seem to work:

  • Better Stockpiles
  • Anorien Biome
  • Archipelago Biome (fisher seems to work, but did not test thoroughly yet)
  • Canyon Biome
  • Box Command
  • Brewery Mod (not thoroughly tested)
  • Settlement Decor
  • End Pieces
  • Commemorative Items
  • Finery
  • Fornjotr - Models Mod
  • Chabonit’s Mod - Wealth and Leadership (did not thoroughly test content)
  • Home sweet home
  • Corruption Biome
  • Extra Loadouts
  • Sacred Grove Biome
  • Pillar Biome
  • MaraRose’s Container Mod
  • Great Coltini’s Stonehearth Expanded
  • Hearthlings of Many Faces
  • 8BitCrab’s Rune Mod
  • Signery Mod
  • Giant Map Mod
  • Rivers Mod
  • Yang & co’s Decorations (did not thoroughly test artist)
  • Swamp Biome
  • Locks of Many Hair

List of ones that did not throw errors:

  • Roll for Need
  • Seasons Mod

Ones that gave errors:

  • Stonehearth Cafe (testing potential fix after lunch)
  • Desert-Forest Transition Biome
  • Finetems

Ones that did not load (Main screen stayed black for longer than 15 minutes):

  • Colorful Floors/Walls
  • Terrain Colours
  • Color Blocks

– Note: You’ll notice I did NOT test the Bunnycult Mod;
I am currently in the process of updating it; I was intending to do a bit of a rewrite to update some of the functionality and make future updates a bit easier for myself. I delayed this in light of the new alpha, as I now want to be sure I include the Appeal system in this update.


I’m not sure, but I will guess the current fisher does not work.
The one I have in my machine have different mechanics (uses a fishing rod, etc) and it didn’t worked at first.
I plan to update the mods only for stable releases though.

The transition biome is just another of my neglected mods, I should revamp it later to a better quality.


I’ll let you know of any particular errors it throws if/when I test/use it further, if you’d like to have the information. If you’re overhauling and it won’t be useful, then I’ll refrain from doing so.

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Don’t worry. The trap is bugged, and fixed in my machine already. Items I guess just needs the effort and appeal.


Well, if there’s anything I can help with, feel free to let me know! :slight_smile:

Got the below error playing the your canyon biome with Rayya’s. This occurred when promoting a fisherman. I’m excited to see the newer mechanics.


2017-12-02 13:58:34.082558 | server | 0 | lua.code | – Script Error (lua) Begin -------------------------------
2017-12-02 13:58:34.082558 | server | 0 | lua.code | stonehearth/services/server/town/town.lua:281: task group not yet created
2017-12-02 13:58:34.082558 | server | 0 | lua.code | stack traceback:
2017-12-02 13:58:34.082558 | server | 0 | lua.code | radiant/modules/commons.lua:46: in function ‘report_traceback’
2017-12-02 13:58:34.083058 | server | 0 | lua.code | radiant/modules/commons.lua:57: in function <radiant/modules/commons.lua:51>
2017-12-02 13:58:34.083058 | server | 0 | lua.code | [C]: in function ‘assert’
2017-12-02 13:58:34.083058 | server | 0 | lua.code | stonehearth/services/server/town/town.lua:281: in function ‘join_task_group’
2017-12-02 13:58:34.083058 | server | 0 | lua.code | stonehearth/components/job/job_component.lua:671: in function ‘_add_to_task_groups’
2017-12-02 13:58:34.083058 | server | 0 | lua.code | stonehearth/components/job/job_component.lua:319: in function ‘promote_to’
2017-12-02 13:58:34.083058 | server | 0 | lua.code | …arth/ai/actions/change_job_using_talisman_action.lua:24: in function ‘_trigger_cb’
2017-12-02 13:58:34.083058 | server | 0 | lua.code | radiant/modules/effects/trigger_effect.lua:14: in function ‘fn’
2017-12-02 13:58:34.083058 | server | 0 | lua.code | radiant/controllers/nonpersistent_timer.lua:56: in function ‘fire’
2017-12-02 13:58:34.083058 | server | 0 | lua.code | radiant/controllers/time_tracker_controller.lua:86: in function <radiant/controllers/time_tracker_controller.lua:86>
2017-12-02 13:58:34.083058 | server | 0 | lua.code | [C]: in function ‘xpcall’
2017-12-02 13:58:34.083058 | server | 0 | lua.code | radiant/modules/commons.lua:66: in function ‘xpcall’
2017-12-02 13:58:34.083058 | server | 0 | lua.code | radiant/controllers/time_tracker_controller.lua:86: in function ‘set_now’
2017-12-02 13:58:34.083058 | server | 0 | lua.code | radiant/modules/gamestate.lua:9: in function ‘set_now’
2017-12-02 13:58:34.083058 | server | 0 | lua.code | radiant/server.lua:61: in function <radiant/server.lua:59>
2017-12-02 13:58:34.083058 | server | 0 | lua.code | – Lua Error End -------------------------------
2017-12-02 13:58:34.573621 | client | 1 | renderer.effects_list [(1512560 Elidalas Vishan) effect:3099 attach item] | failed to attach {{talisman}} item with id 400935 does not exist.
2017-12-02 13:58:34.574131 | client | 1 | renderer.effects_list [(1512560 Elidalas Vishan) effect:3099 attach item] | failed to attach {{talisman}} item with id 400935 does not exist.
2017-12-02 13:59:02.371293 | client | 1 | rpc | critical error in http reactor: could not trace[trace 707740 13]

Thanks. The new fisher had this same error too, which I fixed. It is related to the new AI in a23.


@Kittyodoom, on behalf of the users of these mods, I salute you for braving the wilds of mod testing during this time of transition. You are indeed our champion. Best to all our beloved modders who, I hope, will continue their work in bringing us the fruits of their labors. Don’t let this update discourage you though such things can often be a source of frustration.

Much Love and Respect to you all!:heartpulse:


I Second it. :smiley: