I was going to just now, as my game crashed… (i reinstalled it on my SSD and it seems settings and saves are not perserved and i hadn’t turned on auto save yet…)
i am very sorry, ill see if i can recreate it later, for now im gonna sulk cuz i was having a good time and lost all that progress
that saves my the trouble of explaining to my stream that i accidently deleted the stream save (thanks a bunch haha) but this bug occured on the new installation witohut autosave, nor manual saves yet (bad programmer me) so it doesnt help you guys much sadly.
As if this moment i’m working to try and recreate the problem. If it’s fine for you, it must be a mod-interaction
Edit: i have just reached the same stage i was at as be4, The bow is in the same chest (same chest of the template building i used), but this time the footman promotes just as normal, it must’ve been a one off issue.
I’ll keep my eyes out for this incident may it reoccur.