Internet Point Scoreboard!

Hmm… perhaps we need a Dog Fortune Teller Division of Steffers and Geodamo Moderators at Law…

@SteveAdamo, @Geoffers747, what do you guys think?

… and back to coding I go.

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@RepeatPan … where did you find the “Best of the Worst 80s Media Bundle”, and how much was it?

continues to be envious

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It’s a heirloom that has been passed down several generations in my family.

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Several generations, in a decade? What are you, rabbits?


My family actually invented the 80s in 1745.


This is not a bump, at all.

A sudden thought occurred to me: why don’t I figure out how much 167.01 Internet Points are worth?

After adding up the total amount of Internet Points (167.01) and dividing that into how many dollars there are in circulation, (1.25 Trillion), 1 Internet Point is equal to…

Drumroll Please


@SteveAdamo owes us some serious buck!



Becomes Sad Again


:smiley: :laughing: :blush:


You spent our money on a terrible bet AND THEN THOUGHT A SHIRT WOULD MAKE UP FOR IT!?


You blew 1.25 Trillion on a T-Shirt?

It better be made of Unicorn Hide.

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its not so much the shirt, as what the shirt is sitting atop… :smile:

2 internet points to the best guess as to what it might be

That’ll inflate the currency… so much…

Table made out of the worlds tallest tree?

A life-sized diamond replica of Glorious Penguin Leader?

The floor of a new house?

Your lovely spruce coffee table that you have in the office? Along with the bear skin rug?

It’s Dirt.