Case #12
This is totally legit…
Case #12
This is totally legit…
Just press the little up arrow… it fixes the changes you made.
Don’t press it, its a link to hundreds of viruses!!!
…Please provide the link.
I don’t think he is able to…
I can totally produce the link…How dare you doubt me @Smokestacks! Shame on you!!!
Case #13
I think it speaks for itself…
I think that’s the proof for Newf’s points. Looks like there is a mistake in the scoreboard
I’m no biologist, but wouldn’t they be genus’ist? I mean, canine isn’t a race, it’s a genus? I guess, within the canine genus a poodle could be racscist against a Doberman pincher but a human wouldn’t be racscist against a dog would he?
You can be rascist to both I believe…
Racism involves humans.
I think the term you’re looking for is specist or speciesism (apparently) .
Either way @Newf you’re right, we all hate you from the most inner part of our beings!
Now back on topic before I deduct ridiculously large amounts of internet points!
looks at thread title
raises eyebrow
Could you guide me to the point in my reply that invited a questioning of my supreme supremeness?
calculates subtraction of 40 bajillion points
I do believe that in a topic regarding Internet Points which are awarded for all sorts of tasks, anything goes. Unless that revokes IPs, in which case I’d better get going…:running:
Threatening to subtract more than 20 bajillion points is punishable by deduction of up to 450 googolplex.
If he tries anything I’ll poop on his lawn!
Well, Doug gave @Newf 2 points, it’s somewhere above this post.
@TUGenius , I don’t see the link for the post itself, could you please provide it?
If you click on the arrow, in the upper right hand corner of the quote, it should bring you to the topic and the post where the quote is found. Also when I click on it says “Topic Not Found”.
Yeah, that’s what I was trying to tell him. Kinda weird, isn’t it?
I’m kind of glad this dropped off for a while. It was driving me nuts trying to get some internet points when other people foot them so easily! I’ve helped so many people, started a mod database, and — wait; by replying, I’m bringing this topic back to life! Oh noes! I should win a Darwin award for that…