This engine error appears to be related to cooking but I can’t be sure. I was also mining and had the mason and carpenter both crafting. The error occured a few seconds after I queued an order 40 veg stew for the cook. The error compounded very quickly and froze the game before I had time to copy the error message to clipboard. I did manage to get a screenshot and I’m posting the log in case it can help
I’m not sure if the log uploaded successfully. It still shows “uploading” but I posted it last night. Can someone let me know if it’s the same for everybody or if it’s just a display error on my end. @Relyss @8BitCrab
still says uploading
Hm, that’s not good. When I was typing the report it said it uploaded successfully below the text window but showed that when I posted. Could be because the log file was unusually large
I’ve started a new game since this was posted so the log file has changed but I still have the save file. Do you want me to send it in? Or is there a way for you guys to retrieve the log file from the forum server?
It says uploading but I doubt that it’s uploading, it just has the colors of a link due to the brackets []
I don’t see any file attachment on your post besides the picture. It was probably too big or didn’t finish uploading properly. You can send the savefile to devs and relate it to this topic for context.
Definitely send the save file, thanks!
Fairly sure it was too big then. I think the log file was 36 MB (37,500KB). I’ll forward the save file as soon as I can (probably later this afternoon). Thanks everyone
Okey dokey, pretty sure I found the right file but it’s a much earlier save. I’ll advance the game and redo everything I did when it crashed. I know I had saved after this point but it’s not showing up in the “load” screen.
This is going to give me an eye twitch. I worked on it all last night. I did 6 diffferent versions of the save file andd couldn’t replicate the error. I tried hundreds of combinations of tasks for the cook and having the cook do tasks while assigning tasks to others. On the bright side, it’s obviously not a common event. On the downside, I may run out of swear words before I see it again.
I’ll keep trying with dev 2603
@Boulderboy, thanks for all the effort! We really really do appreciate it. However, more important than the bug is that you’re still enjoying yourself. Please only do it if it’s still fun/engaging for you.
This is right up my alley lol. Ive always been drawn almost obsessively to puzzles…so when something breaks, I need to figure out how and why lol. I think that’s why the only games I have played in the last two years have been beta builds with active bugs.
Right now I’m trying to learn the languages Radiant is working in so I can understand the process a bit better and have a better understanding of why things glitch. My day job occupies12-14 hours per day so it’ll be a slow process…but I’ll get there
Goodness! Let us know if there’s any questions we can answer for you
oh dear, that’s a can’o’worms you may not want to open! lol. My questions tend to be endless and Team Radiant is already overloaded
I could use a swift kick in the right direction though! Can anybody recommend a good site for beginners to learn? Or course? I’ve been spending some time doing searches but all that has taught me is I don’t know enough to know what I need to know lol
@sdee THE BUG IS BACK! (flails arms excitedly)
I caught it at 2000 errors (all slightly different or I would post an example.) I’m going to send the save file right now and I’ll try to include the 8 MB log file in the same email. (They both seem to have attached to the same email so let me know if you’re missing the save or the log)
The save I sent was taken as the error was occuring so hoping it’ll happen immediately or shortly after loading for you.