@SteveAdamo ive been wanting to ask you… You and @Geoffers747 apperently have the power to close threads… Are you guys op members or something? And the same question about @voxel_pirate .
They are the forum moderators.
yea lets revive that again. Please someone? it is my favorite discussion of all the threads on forum.
though we should change the name to something better like: The cycle of life and death.
@Geoffers747 and I are moderators, as @newf mentioned… @voxel_pirate is an exceptionally talented member of the forums, has not been tainted by the powers of moderatorship…
You should feel lucky, @voxel_pirate, I was once a Mod on a Game Server, and it was Hell on Earth for me.
How so? I always thought being Mod would be fun. (I am the proud owner of a minecraft server but I have never had anyone but friends on it)
This was on a different Game (Not MC) and there were Trolls, Griefers, and Hackers on it.
What game? (My guess is Garry’s Mod)
I forget actually, This was about a year or two back.
Ghosts in the game? HELL YEAH!
Maybe only exorcists can see or deal with the dead creating a whole new class or maybe only the enlightened can see them but they are also opened up to the dangers of the ghost world.
Example mechanic:
7% chance of a villager spawning enlightened more likely
+2% for every spirit point above 5
+1% for every mind point above 5
-3% for every spirit point below 3
minimum chance of 0
oops forget the more likely bit
Sorry to go a little of topic, but I really liked what you said about a villager maybe being courageous or cowardly and thus fleeing from a ghost or not.
I was wondering if it is planned for villagers to have their own individualistic traits, anyone know?
We know that villagers will flee from aggressive units/ titans/ combat in general if they’re not combat units, so it wouldn’t be too hard to make them flee from ghosts
Well we already have the character sheet, I think the team are wanting to have it so that each settler does have their own personality/ traits, if this impacts upon gameplay, and if so how deep that will run, is something I don’t believe we have an answer to yet!
as it pertains to “fight or flight”, i believe the answer is yes… boiling it down to the simplest terms, when faced with a potential conflict, it would seem units will “roll” and make a decision based on the outcome…
and we know the units will have a number of “motivations” that guide their actions:
- am i a combat oriented unit?
- how strong is my opponent (is there a reasonable chance i might live if i stand and fight)?
- is acquiring that lumber (near a mob) more important than avoiding a conflict?
- can i reliably path somewhere safe?
- are there other friendly units nearby?
All very interesting, thank you!