How Will We Receive Our Backer Rewards?

No, i baked on the kickstarted, lost my account(including my two copies of the future game and pets :cry:) and will by the game on release sins there is no way to get the pets i might as well wait for it.

do you have any proof of purchase? no transaction ID, or credit card charge perhaps?

I have sent an Email to to change my old Email Address to my new one.

I am not even sure if i payd with paypal or direct transfer with mastercard. Would you be able to find me if i sent my creaditcard details in a Email to somewhere?

this would be something you could ask the team via ā€¦ good luck!

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Hey @sdee,

Thanks for changing my Email. Also, yeah I use ā€œJohn Doeā€ as my Google name because there is no way in hell that Iā€™m going to show my real name to the whole world.

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Thats why, for all intents and purposes, Vaurature Ventris is a real person.


Hmmmā€¦I wonder what @SteveAdamoā€™s real name isā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue:


He chose a really exotic roleplaying name, thatā€™s for sure!


The names @EpicDwarf and @Swift_Cube are nothing compared to @SteveAdamoā€™s exotic name!

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Wop wop! Got my email back wop wop. I haz them pets now wop wop! Finally i can check what you have all been up to!

Happy dance all night long!

Wop wop!!

:fireworks: :dancer: :fireworks: :smiley:

To happy to apologize for revive!

Update: My village is so beautiful! This forced absent actually feels worthwhile now. :laughing:

This game is lovely.


wellā€¦ welcome back! :smile: :+1:

can you clarify this? Iā€™m guessing you mean you will eventually receive the backer pets, correct? :wink:

Ehā€¦ no? I got my mammoth but i cant decide for a cat or dog.

I may potentially be joking. :wink:

Hehe, just imagine the riot. A single backer gets the pets and the creators donā€™t even know about it :wink:

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Iā€™d just open up the code, reveal that thereā€™s no references to either mammoths or cats or dogs and prove you wrong at which point you would be forced to reveal your own files, which you had to manipulate so the backer rewards really existed, in turn creating backer rewards for the community for all to use.

The only winning move is not to joke.


Has anyone asked about getting the second copy of the game if you picked one of the Buddy tier during the Kickstarter? Iā€™m not really worried about it until the game is further in development, but if I can get it now, Iā€™d like to give it to my wife so that she can play around with the game if she wants to.

You should get a second code in the e-mail or in your humble bundle profile that you can send to somebody else. I know that I have mine (still), so you ought to have one too.

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Found it. Thank you.

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Donā€™t the backer reward pets seem pointless because of the way they are doing modding, couldnā€™t someone just create their own and mod that into the game?

I know I already have kittens in my game ā€¦xD
what if 1 backer gives his files to his friends? eventually everyone would end up with those pets no? are there like anti sharing codes in place or something?

am I considered a backer or just some weirdo who has alpha but wasnā€™t around for the kickstarter?

They are, and arenā€™t. You can do that, but at the same time, it wouldnā€™t be the same. I know Iā€™m going to be looking at my cute little kittens/doggies and remembering my good investment into a prospering game.

In other words, Itā€™s not because they add something meaningful to the game, itā€™s because it is a tip of the hat to those who believed in the developers.