How to support joint translation efforts?

I can help with the Portuguese/Brazilian translation.

welcome aboard @SARDON! :smile:

thanks for the offer to help translateā€¦ :+1:

I read the title of this post and thought it was about animationā€¦herp derp

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Hey , itā€™s an interesting post and a clever initiative! I can help for the French translation.

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Count me in for Portuguese/Brazilian translation.

wow, another new member offering to help out of the gateā€¦ :+1:

welcome aboard @klarkgamer! :smile:

Maybe we should make a list with all the volunteers and the language they can translate in.

@bastiweb ā€œMaybeā€ is the friend of ā€œWill Never Happenā€ :stuck_out_tongue:. Just go ahead and do itā€¦ this thread was not really meant to gather volunteers, but to discuss how this work could be facilitated.

So far we got:






And since you are using proverbs, Iā€™d like to add: Neat is the little brother of ****. (Just for random stuff :wink: )

mod edit: letā€™s keep it G rated pleaseā€¦ :smiley:

@bastiweb In the other thread @DaRKKoNNaN and @Nikell pointed out their interest to work on a Spanish translation, too. Maybe you want to add them.

I would like to do the danish translation of the game :smile:, as i appear to be the only dane in this forum :wink:

Ok. What do you think of allowing in-game translations? All it would be really is a gui change of some kind to allow people to translate text while theyā€™re playing, like just double click on text to change it or something. It would also avoid any context problems as theyā€™ll always the context.

This way seems to be heavy.
I think a kind of library with all the text contents is easier. This can provide a good support: fast, complete. And Trad Team can make a more effective translation which is universal and directly enable by each player.

@Xavion I love the idea to see text in its context. That would help for sure to translate it in a proper way. However, I think a simple swap of the GUI would be not enough, otherwise you will end up searching for all the text in the game which is not translated yet. In the best case, this feature would guide you through all the menus and texts which are available (while they are shown in the context)ā€¦ and here I would agree with @PownToK. It might be a lot of work for a one-time purpose.

Yeah, it is right. Translation is a complex work and need time to be improved. So in a first time, Team can provide a fast translation with the main text and deal with the rest later. And after that we can provide a more accurate translation which can be improved by players who will report different mistake on Discourse.


Hey there!
So i am quite new to the forums but i saw this post and i think i can help.

So I am really happy to translate Stonehearth in Romanian!

@Creep_Ro1 Foarte bun, multumesc anticipat :wink:.

Well ya - you can put me down for German as well :sunny:

welcome aboard @Creep_Ro1, our (first?) Romanian fan! :smile:

thanks for the offer to assist with the many translation effortsā€¦

Iā€™m sure Iā€™m not the only one on this forum who wants to help with the Dutch translation right?