Hilarious Screenshots

The dream is he running along a hill, hand in hand with a chicken. Then goes to the beach and then the carnival. Sigmund Freud would make a case of this lol :smile:


Clearly, this man is delusional–there’s no such thing as “chicken” in Stonehearth. And what are these other things mentioned? “Beach”? “Carnival”?? Quite clearly mental, if I was to say myself.


Yes, yes true. Only in his dreams, only. Plus who is this Sigmund Freud, his imaginary therapist I say.

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gotta say, this is one of the best goblin names.

Not hilarious but slightly amusing

All 20 hearthlings sharing one bed, even when each has there own room.

The conga line.


Are you a DF player? Because that photo looks suspiciously like a DF set up.

and then there’s the one guy who has no idea whats happening and is going the wrong way…

happens with every conga line… :unamused:

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Whats funny with this, is the fact they are all going to get the same item or something. love the A.I. bug on this build

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No, I’ve never played DF. Looks to complicated to me.

Indeed, and it’s usually me :smile:

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The guy walking in the opposite direction had just picked it up, but the others obviously had to just make sure he didn’t leave anything.

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here are some related to the hate of berries :wink:

berries are terrifying when that’s all you get to eat…
this person hates them so much they just left them there for all eternity…


You only give them berries?! You monster!

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i actually have a stockpile full of food, that’s just the empty edge of it, and the closest side to the berry bushes.

i do agree with you though, anyone who just feeds them berries is a monster :wink:

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Then I’m a hypocritical monster MUAHUAHUAHUA. Nah just until the farms kick in XD


Well there’s been all the villagers sleeping in one bed, And now they’re all sitting in one spot around the camp fire! Must be a cold night!

And yes, Every villager from my town is in this one photo :wink:

Gnomoria/Prison Architect style :smiley:

And there’s me thinking it was some horrible mutant hearthling. ‘The Thing’ Stonehearth style :smile:

ive also had mine do this,

apparently they didnt like the other benches…

I was building something hollow in order to save stone and time. However, I probably spent more time and resources getting people out of the hollow parts than I saved.

This was even funnier in-game, because Leefi kept waving up and down. Almost like… a leaf!

Unfortunately, things turned unfunny when my carpenter was stuck after the whole thing was built. He starved, conveniently losing his saw forever. On the bright side, I already had a blacksmith and steel to spare.