I think so.
When i exported the helmet to .qb on VoxelShop I tried with and without the “Bounding box”, and if I uncheck the “Use origin as zero” the helmet will stay side-backward of the hearthling.
I also caught the reference of the iron_helm.qb to make my helmet.
Edit: Without the bounding box, the helmet stay on the ground, if i’m not wrong
Hmmm… The model looks good and labeled. Great job on the model by the way!
Try unchecking the “Use bounding box as matrix” and check the “Use origin as zero”.
EDIT: Oh and you have different models for the male and female right? Because, judging from the height of the
helmet model, it looks like it’s for the male one.Not sure though…
No, it’s the same model, but for the male the problem is the same.
Well, I think that’s the default.
I will fill the helmet.
But if isn’t default and if someone knows how to fix that, I appreciate =)
And thank you very much Stmpnk. If u find something, let me know =)
I tried to use “transparent”: “true”, the problem is that some parts of the hair and, on the case of man, the beard stay above the helm.
Maybe I could make the helmet taller than now to dont let the hair and beard upon it, but my objective is to make a helmet for all kind of hair, tallest or smallest xD