Hearthlings not filling in roads in A7

It’s basically in the title - my Hearthlings aren’t filling in my roads, they’re just leaving them as trenches. What am i doing wrong?

You have stone?

that is needed for building roads otherwise i have no idea what can be wrong


Required for streets isn’t stone, but bricks made by the mason if I’m not mistaken.


The tag for the stone road material is “stone resource”, but stone bricks are “stone brick refined”, so they can’t be used.

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True enough though it’s bound to change I believe. In the stream, the bricks were said to be used for all stoney things, including buildings and roads.

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If I recall correctly it was said that you’d have the option to build with either cobble stone or bricks. But maybe it was only for walls and such, could be the roads will change so you’d have to use bricks.

It would fit with the idea of “You decide how far you want to go with optimization” if both was possible, but bricks had a higher yield (i.e. more wall/road per stone).

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Actually, bricks are what it says is required, but its actually stone. Weird, huh?