Give us the ability to disable conversations

i dont like conversations they happen way too frequently and interrupt the work flow of my games like i have 31 hearthlings right now and they have so many converstations (one every 3 seconds ) that it takes them 7 in game days to mine a 40 by 40 area when before it only took 2 in game days to do that


I believe they intend to reduce the priority to converse.

The thing is Hearthlings should only attempt chatting while being idle, not when they have things to do.


I think hearthlings should be able to chat even when not idle but it should work like in Rimworld where they can talk while for example building or mining next to each other.


I’m not sure but it could be a performance problem. 31 hearthlings is quite a lot and most people start to get trouble with idle hearthlings when they get to somewhere above 20 (depending on their computer), so it might be that it’s too hard for them to find work so they go idle and while idle they try to find someone to talk to which is easy enough.

I do agree that they should be able to talk while doing other things and an idle hearthling should be able to follow a working one around, talking to them, as long as the worker doesn’t go to sleep or charge into battle or something like that.
I also think they should be able to leave a conversation and finish it later.