Tried to launch StoneHearth for the first time in a few months and it won’t launch, steam starts to run the game, the taskbar icon pops up but then immediately closes and nothing happens.
I have removed AVG from my computer.
I have updated to the newest version of AMD Drivers.
I have used the 3 Comand Prompt suggestions; netsh advfirewall reset netsh int ip reset c:\resetlog.txt netsh winsock reset
I have tried the latest build from the betas in steam.
I have validated StoneHearth’s steam files.
I have also tried uninstalling and reinstalling StoneHearth.
I do not have any mods enabled or installed.
I am now opted out of all betas in steam.
I am officially stumped, please help?
Thanks. edit
Since I figured out the issue had nothing to do with steam I’ve removed it from the title to save on confusion, this is my last edit and I’m leaving the thread as solved, for anyone else experiencing this issue it was fullscreen mode causing the crash for me.
I’ve had to reboot several times during my troubleshooting.
I’ve just exited steam and tried again the same result.
I’ll try rebooting one more time. edit
Just rebooted, launched without starting steam, same issue.
I am going to tell you to try and do something strange.
Unhook all peripherals from your pc. So webcams, racing steering wheels, other odd USB-attached stuff.
Then try the game again. (for me it was my webcam causing crashing crash on startup)
I have this 'problem, where I boot up my StoneHearth from steam, and it takes several minutes before it actually boots up, but I don’t think that’s the case with you
My D: is 0% fragmented.
I have no SSD.
Cannot run from the C: as it’s pretty much full.
No mods, very few templates.
I’ve tried running the .exe in compatibility and admin.
No hardware changes.
No external hardware connected other than monitor, headset, mouse and keyboard.
Tried launching from a clean reboot with no background apps running, not even steam.
Alright I’ve managed to get the game working again.
I had to uninstall it and remove all of the files out of the SteamApps/common/StoneHearth folder.
It could have been something to do with old building templates or perhaps the Animations folder or possibly the saves, hard to know which since I just nuked them all.
Re-installed the game and now it launches fine. edit
Nevermind it launched once, I changed the graphics setting and tried to relaunch, same issue except now it’s running constantly in the background with no icon or window. Have to use Task manager to end the process.
Really starting to pull my hair out on this.
I get the feeling that something stored inside the SteamApps/common/Stonehearth folder is causing the crash.
Alright I think I may have found the issue but it will require some testing, I think the issue is down to fullscreen mode.
I changed in the user_settings.json "renderer" : { "enable_fullscreen" : false,
Launched the game and everything launched fine.
I changed the settings in-game to fullscreen and closed it down, tried to relaunch, it crashed. "enable_fullscreen" : true, was changed back to "enable_fullscreen" : false,
Launched the game again and it worked fine.