Game Won't Load/Launch On New PC *SOLVED*

The problem with this solution is that it forces you to use 32 bit, which means your PC won’t use all the memory it can for the game, something that will often result in crashes. For that reason, I recommend this solution instead:

  1. My game says it’s launching and then goes back to ‘Play’ -OR- It only works in 32-bit!

This has happened a lot lately and it does so because of a missing or broken/different version dll file. Stonehearth is using these libraries in version 1.0.2h so updating them in the /x64 subdirectory should let it all work fine again. You can replace these dll by following these instructions:

  • Find and download OpenSSL version 1.0.2i (You can google the file named )
  • Rename or delete libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll from the /x64 subfolder of the game. (Refer to 15 to learn how to reach the game folder)
  • Extract the libraries libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll from the archive downloaded in the first step and copy them to the /x64 subfolder of the game
  • That’s it! Try running the game now!

(If you can’t find the correct OpenSSL file to download, we’re making it available here now) Dropbox - - Simplify your life

This solution is from the FAQ in the ACE Discord :merry: