Fullscreen fails to launch

ok so not played stoneheath in a while so thought id down load it and see what had changed.
first problem i came across was launching in full screen after surfing the web found how to change the values in the .json great i thought full screen here we come.
but no it was not to be the game fails to launch in full screen for me so i did a bit of testing
with the user.json and the application.json files set to full screen fulse the game works in windowed how ever its really annoying to see other programs icons at the bottom of the screen. so setting them to true with a wight 1920 height 1080 my default settings for pc screen the game false to launch thats the same if i delete the user settings.
when i looked in to the task manager stoneheart dosnt launch full in the aplocations area in stead it launchs as a background activate ( when a program loads) then drops a few seconds later.
ANY thoughts, fixs or ideas ?