Fonts - for my German Translation

Hi now that Stonehearth goes Steam EA i think its important that the fonts can support some other languages. Because i know the german community is growing rapidly i have thinked i could change the font manually so its support the german Umlaute äöü … does anyone know a good simliar font?


hmm… well i dont know of one, but @Tom could perhaps tell us what TR uses :blush:

thats not the prob - they use multiple fonts ^^ mostly berlin_sans ^^ but this doenst support Umlaute and i dont know how i can add them in this xD

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hmm… i guess that is a problem then :laughing:

perhaps TR could be super awesome and make them for you :wink:

ok i have found one and now i see i can use only bitmap fonts (xml and png) xD lol ^^ and there is no converter and no free fonts in this format :frowning:

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The german umlaut is just the beginning, think of the other languages using different symbols. :cold_sweat:

  • One part of me thinks: nah…it´s alpha…it´s indie it can be ue instead of ü
  • The other part thinks: changing the usable fonts for a game later in the development can mean to change all the GUI because of placing-problems

And there is even another part of me, thinking that steam early access not having a valid translation to at least spanish, french, russian, german, italian might be difficult for the BDU using steam.
Maybe activating the workshop and supporting the mods?


i know what you mean ^^ at the moment i look if i can find another xml/png font but there is no xD and i dont know how i can edit this font xD

hmmmmmmm ok it doenst use this fonts (stonehearth\data\horde\fonts) ^^ then is the question which fonts it use? and where they are ^^

perhaps @sdee can get my back on route? :wink:

I´m not sure, but I think one dev (Tom?) mentioned the fonts and where they are located in one of the last streams (twitch) “GUI - design” when creating the start-screen of the world-map.

hmmm i have seen all streams but i dont remember this xD

hmm… yes @Bassti i believe he did, it was when he was designing the new start GUI

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ok he has only showed one font they use (in compare with photoshop) but no info which font they use in the stonehearth and where i can find them to change :wink:

hmmm i see its not an easy task ^^ i cant find the fonts xD i have changed all fonts i have found in the stonhearth.smod but no change at all xD

sooo if anyone has another idea please tell it :smiley:

nobody an idea? @phector2004 @Froggy @chessmaster42

@Wiese2007. There have been many topics on the fonts issue. There are many languages out there that need special symbols.

The fonts are here: stonehearth\ui\root\css\fonts

There was a topic in which we tried to search for other (free) fonts that the devs could use to include all of our needed letters.


when you look i was the last that has answered in this topic :wink: there are no fonts for all language - there are some expensive fonts for lots of languages but not all - so i have looked if i can change them manually to resolve the issue. also like written i have changed all founded fonts (inclusive this) with another font and nothing happens -.-

when i change them its only change the style but doesnt affect the missing umlaute -.- (and yes my testfont have them ;)) i still get the ? symbol ^^

just for info: for the style you must only change the AutourOne-Regular-webfont (which also normaly can the missing umlaute) ^^ and i have used this font for test Orange Juice Schriftart | and convert them to all via

so i dont ask for help without own searching and testing :wink:

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Hmm, sorry then. I was confused by your three posts of above mine.

It must be some issue with the html or something, I’m sure you remember about this topic…:


jup i remember it now and jup its not a fond issue (ok not a big) its a html issue -

like &*#228; (without *) = ä

it doesnt look good but it works ^^ now i only must find the other codes xD ok i have found them xD Referenz:HTML/Zeichenreferenz – SELFHTML-Wiki

Yep, I tried once to see how the Spanish translation was going to look, and the letters with accents (like á, é, í, ó, ú, ü, ñ) didn’t look good either, they had another font and size…

I’m sure that when the time comes there will be a solution for this :smile:


and now my first tries brings the resolve :smiley: i have changed the fonts ( AutourOne-Regular-webfont and grobold-webfont) again and now its look good - now i only must found an good fond and then change ALL ä ü ö ----- ok i have now enough for one week todo xD

SOOO THX Relyss for the hint and your help :smiley:

soo next try ^^ from i have used this KOMTXTBI.ttf