Favorite TV Shows!

except @Geoffers747’s… its best we dont encourage him… just think of the children… :baby:

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I am thinking of the children and that makes me want to encourage him even more… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Leverage…(Was my favorite for years).

That’s because you, sir, have impeccable taste. Word.

I recently discovered a show a few days ago while wandering around netflix. Within a few episodes it easily became one of my favourite shows along with Futurama and IT Crowd, it’s very possibly the best out of them though. It’s called Better Off Ted and is one of the funniest shows I have ever seen, sadly it was poorly advertised and had inopportune timetabling so it was cancelled during the second season a few years back.

If anyone else has seen this mention what you thought but I’m rating it as possibly the funniest show I’ve ever seen.

Hmmm . . .

That show sounds familiar.

thoroughly enjoyed it, its a shame that it got cancelled

did it have that Irish comedian from father ted? the who plays the slightly dim witted fella.
edit: never mind i wasn’t even close. i think i was thinking of super Ted
edit edit edit: or maybe not. i will shut up now… :frowning: