Effects of light and darkness

Ok, short summary from memory:
In Tom’s latest stream someone asked if lights could/will be a requirement in mines. Tom thought about it briefly and left the subject with a question in the line of "What if they don’t have a light? Should they be afraid to go into the dark?"
I don’t know if there was a discussion in chat, but anyway it got me thinking.

What effects could light and darkness have on the world and it’s inhabitants?

I realise that it might require some heavy computations to calculate the amount of light in a bunch of places, but let’s say it can be done in a good way.

The things I come to think of is:
1. Hearthlings work slower in the dark. If it’s pitch black they can’t work at all. They stumble around, slowly, with their hands in front of them and their morale is dropping. This would motivate windows, practically places lights and mobile lights.
2. Hearthlings sleep better in the dark. This would motivate closable curtains and window shutters.
3. “Scared of the dark” could be a personality trait.
4. In a fight, hearthling are less likely to hit and block if they are fighting in the dark or with the sun in their eyes. Other creatures could have similar weaknesses.
5. Working in strong sunlight could make the hearthlings more tired and thirsty. Might count more as a temperature thing though.
6. Some creatures might be scared of the light.
7. Some creatures might take damage, turn into stone or something like that if they are in direct sunlight.
8. Some creatures and magic might change strength, appearance and effect depending on if they’re in light or darkness.
9. All of this gets more important in the north where the summer days and winter nights are longer (maybe).
10. There could be events where someone or something spreads darkness over the land.

That’s all I can think of right now, but I’m sure you guys have more ideas.


I was working on this when Alpha 12 came out :disappointed: