Greetings @Allie and @ayazar (i hope i got the right tags )
So in the stream you guys was talking about lights and darkness. The work that is underway looks awesome!
But near the end you talked about the fear of the dark trait, if it will be a trait?
Then the suggestion with handheld lamps came up while you spoke about dumb circles and how the hearthlings could be afraid when stepping outside the zone.
I got to thinking about that problem and what if the afraid of the darkness ran on a timer and not directly on the zone?
So as long as the hearthling is in a lighted zone the timer dont come in to play, but the moment the hearthling steps out of the zone it starts to count.
Depending on what level of angst the indiviual hearthling have towards the darkness, this timer could be shorter or longer?
Might even be countered with a potion? (made by fernjuice? hahaha or maybe even more obvious, the lightbells?)
I guess some hearthlings thrive in the dark aswell? their timer could be the same as the whole nighttime maybe?
Well just a view on the issue and thank you for a very nice stream.