Difficulty: Crazy

Well… Some of us are playing normal, some hard… But I think hard is pretty easy once you know what you have to do. You know what kind of enemies will spawn and how many military units you need to counter them. 2 footman and a healer when you have 10 hearthlings in total are pretty much enough for some hours and then just try to have 33% of your hearthling be military units.

While the game is fun, the challange is just non-existent if you have this kind of knowledge. What’s missing is a randomness factor that really has an impact on the game. So what I suggest is:

Crazy Mode:

  • Time between raids is more random, resulting in shorter delays between raids sometimes
  • Multiple enemy groups spawn in different locations at the same time.
  • Bad weather has a heavier influence on your game (thunder can create fire, snow destroys all farming plants, fog heavily reduces sight, rain makes hearthlings much more sick, etc.).
  • Hearthlings can get sick, resulting in constant health loss if not treated by a herbalist and if hearthling doesn’t rest in bed. Especially rain increases risk of getting sick.
  • Hearthlings CAN hate each other when likes / dislikes are contrary to each other, resulting in bad performance when both hearthlings are close together, giving the social aspect a much heavier impact
  • Effect of mood influence performance much heavier (good and bad mood are more extreme in their influence)

I think this would be alot of fun, since it would be a real challange, because the game can put you in bad situations if you least expect them, even if you are wealthy and good prepared. :slight_smile:


And chances to spawn entlings from cutting trees or golems from mining. :smiling_imp:


How about dropping the -ling so we get a whole Large Oak transform into a huge and hostile ent?


Don’t we already have an encounter that spawns entlings when you cut too much wood? :thinking:

BTW @AaronD is this a suggestion for the game, or for a mod? (I want to set the category of the thread).

It is a suggestion. I mean, many of the things my suggestion includes can also be implemented in the main game. I just think the game needs some random factors that force the players to get out of there comfort zone, because the game is easy even in hard once you have enough military units and a lvl 6 blacksmith.

i agree that the RNG of the actual code (game) could be more randomised in general tbh -

and as difficullty wise (especially what you are asking for @AaronD ) could easily (?) be modded

(as in, i know nothing about code - but i sense that the game has come maybe… too far? to revist any more standard difficulty levels?)

Just my opinion, but great ideas regardless

Well, Mods are nice, but I’d rather the this implemented in the game to some degree, since the game feels to linear right now.