Is there any way we could make the graves a little different though? Like, if the hearthling died a warrior it has a little sword imprint, or if it was a cook it has a little fork, if it died a worker it has a hammer and such?
I think it would add some depth to the passing of the hearthlings
I like the idea of having the option, but I think there is a way to spice up the mechanic. When the hearthling dies, they get the default tombstone. However, if the player has a high enough level mason, they can commission custom tomb stone upgrades or even mausoleums. That way a player can chose to give a level one blacksmith a simple blacksmith’s tomb stone while putting up a whole big monument for a master black smith.
Now that’s an awesome addition imo - good thinking, Gaddiel!
I woke up this morning thinking about this idea of yours; and I guess (for now?) a mod could do it!
So, obviously I had to have a go at making some models for it
I increased the size of the tombstones to about twice the size of a regular one and was able to quickly add some details. Imgur: The magic of the Internet
This is my very first attempt at Stonehearth models, but I tried to stay true to the vanilla-style of the tombstone.
If I were ever to try my hand at making a mod, I would have to create a tombstone for the footmen and for the trapper, too. (And, of course, also work on the outer edge of the tombstones and not only the very center)
I think it should be possible to keep the original size of the tombstones and have less detailed “markings” - however, after making the carpenter version I believe I will have a hard time going to something less detailed
That’s really nice of you - thanks!
I do agree regarding the Herbalist tombstone; and I would also claim that the Cleric and Shepherd tombstones need some additional work.
But this was simply something I quickly put together to try my hand at MagicaVoxel; I just wanted to see if the idea by @TheRedBaron91 was viable - and now I can say I really think it is!
Perhaps I can put in some additional work later this week. If I do, I will provide a new link.
I will try to make some time for MagicalVoxel in the morning (in about 14 hours from me, give or take) to have a look at the Herbalist, Trapper, and Footman tombstones.
Scratch that! I couldn’t sleep and did some modeling now instead.
I remade all the tombstones, and I made them in two different versions: Stonehearth Tombstones, Version 1 against Version 2 - Album on Imgur (myself I prefer Version 2)
What do you think of the Herbalist tombstone this time around @coasterspaul and @nikosthefan? (edit, clarification: the Herbalist tombstone is the one with a small healing tonic - between the Shepherd and Cleric tombstones)
Myself I’m not too happy with the Footman tombstone; other than that I think this is better
Once all the tombestones for all current jobs finally were completed I realized I had made an idiotic mistake - the width of these tombstones are 23 voxels.
I believe “one block” in Stonehearth is 11 voxels wide, so a 23 voxel wide model will not perfectly align with two blocks and will be enough to upset players even without ODC ^^
Thus, I shall remake all models some day and make them 22 voxels wide instead. Until then, any feedback is highly appreciated.
Really? That’s awesome! Thanks for letting me know, @coasterspaul.
Perhaps there is no need to remake all the models then after all …unless possible feedback says otherwise
I was trying to mimic the trap and target from the Trapper icon - it’s hard to catch though, I agree, but I could not think of another image that says “Trapper”
Oooh, a pelt - don’t know why I didn’t think of that, but I think I’ll try that next time. Thanks!
I had a go with the Trapper’s Knife but I was not happy with how it turned out - maybe I’ll try again though
on’t really prefer version one or version two, except for with the cook’s thombstone. There, version two, i think, is better. For the pictures, most of them are still the same (already liked them), but I did see some improvements in the blacksmith’s thombstone, the engineers thombstone and the herbalist thombstone.
I really like the addition of the hammer for the blacksmith.
The gear of the enhiners thombstone is better recognisable as a gear, no that it is not inset with the grooves inset evn further. It looked a bi like a wheel the previous time, so this is an improvement.
The potion for the herbalist is better recognizable than the staff. I think that is because the silouette of a potion is better made clear as a potion than that of a herbalist staff as a staff, scince it is just a stick. The potion an improvement as well.
It was fun trying my hand at MagicaVoxel and it feels really good being back at doing something creative again - so I guess I went a little bit crazy, huh
And I agree, it’s odd that I feel so invested into something I hope to never seen in the game to be honest.
Thank you for your feedback, really do appreciate it! And I’m glad you were able to catch the small improvements I threw in there
I think I prefer version 2 on a few of them, too - so I’d say version 2 is the way to go.
Seeing how I was just sitting here doing nothing of use, I went ahead and tried making a tombstone with a pelt on it.
I’m not sure if it really looks like a pelt though.