[dev2083] Double village, double berry-bush


did not find a topic about this.
I hope this should be the right way to post this as I do not really know if this is an actual bug or just a (lucky) situation. :smile:

As I started my village another blue flag on the bottom popped up and could set up a second fireplace:

I will try to play with this setup, letā€™s see what will happen.

Sorry, had to put the links in signs, as new user are not able to post pictures.



hey there @ch1ck3n ā€¦ welcome aboard! :smile:

no worriesā€¦ fixed that for ya!

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Thank you very much! :smile:

Edit: Sadly it shows for me just the first screenshot, but that three times. :smiley:

I actually had the double village bug in my current series (Alpha 7), when selecting a location to start after confirming the start location I accidently clicked on the map again. This generated two towns, resources and all.

oops, sorry! Iā€™ve fixed that by pulling them out individually from the ā€œalbumā€ on imgurā€¦ :blush:

Youā€™re the best! :sunglasses:

So far no problems with the map, only the double tress on top of each other are a little bit annoying. :smiley:

Hmm. Havenā€™t been able to reproduce this so far. What exactly are you doing BTW - clicking after placing the banner or something?

Just reproduced it again in Alpha 8

  1. Click on new game
  2. Choose a spot
  3. 4 needs to happen quickly after this step, Click Embark here
  4. Click anywhere on the map
  5. If it worked correctly you should get an error popup and the ability to place two flags

Not sure if Iā€™m in the right thread. But I get this bug in the latest steam branch (the 64-bit one). By spamming on the Embark button I can click it twice and get two flags to place down.


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I raise your double village with my quadruple village :open_mouth: !

To reproduce, simply spam that Embark button on the site selection screen. Each time a flag is placed the ā€œname your settlementā€ popup appears, but at least it defaults to whatever the first one has. This also caused a couple of error messages to pop up on the loading screen (forgot to take a SS etc though, sorry :frowning: ) and made the progress bar disappear on said loading screen (though the text in the loading bar still went through its various options).


Bumping because Iā€™ve been having lots of !FUN! crashes trying to play whilst doing thisā€¦

8MB save game (in .rar archive) here

Iā€™m running Windows 7 x64 with an Intel Core i7 CPU (3.2GHz), 12GB RAM, GeForce GTX780 (drivers v344.65); Stonehearth build is 2143 x64.

Nothing much to report as to the bug, beyond it happening every few minutes. Game freezes up and then itā€™s straight to the desktop.

Now, quite possibly the crash is my fault (you know, what with clicking Embark three times and having duplicates of half the trees etc on the mapā€¦), but Iā€™m going to go ahead & name drop @Tom / @Ponder / @sdee on the off chance they want to take a look at the save game linked above.

Edit: From the same game:

Goblins canā€™t spawn on the small hill Iā€™m starting on, so possibly thatā€™s whatā€™s causing this.

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i have a found a bug in Stonehearth v0.1.0 dev.2148 i have click 2 times on de banner when i begon and i could make 2 places to settle down olso i get 2 carpenter saws and trapers knifes and the dobble amount of cidecens (i donā€™t know how to spell that word)

sorry i mean i have click 2 times on the embark buton when you chose your place

ahhh, thanks for the clarification! :+1:

I may be mistaken, but I thought there was a similar report floating aroundā€¦ Iā€™m sure @Relyss will dig it upā€¦ :smile:

Even though itā€™s a bug thatā€™s a nice way to start out with a bigger town :wink: Might have to exploit that one before it gets fixed :smiley:


I tried it and it does create two camps, but also interesting to note, the meter (Lag meter?) in the lower right next to your Pause button is non-existent in both his and mine.

Well, I found this:

2 towns in 2 worlds in one world, as opposed to this problem of 2 towns in one world.

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@coasterspaul nope ^^

here it is [dev2083] Double village, double berry-bush


The one above has two of everything, trees, berry bushes etc it seems, this one Jordleek mentions just creates two of the blue ā€œClick me to startā€ banners, the double clicking you do is on the map screen, double clicking that red Embark button causes the two banners


hmmm ā€¦ thanks for digging around folks! :+1:

I suppose weā€™ll leave this one on its own for now ā€¦

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