I came back to the game after a long hiatus and since I had found it too easy previously I decided I was going to play in Darkmoor Forest on the hardest setting. I have to congratulate you on making the game a lot more fun and challenging since I last looked at it.
However, I ran into an odd bug while I was trying to play defensively.
I had figured out that the sleeping outside debuff vanished once I had enough comfy beds near the fire pit and flag so I decided to focus on a fortified town square early on. What I built was a huge 51X51 area with the floor patterned so you could place fire pits in each corner, and the flag in the exact center.
After that I would temporarily move the beds and workshops inside, and use the starting flag as my safety rally point while I figured out what I wanted to do for other structures, and a larger settlement. My population was thirteen and growing when I got the structure “finished” and then I triggered the bug.
I thinking I must have moved the flag to the center a bit too soon as the program had visually finished the building but must have been still editing it in the background . . . because it added a flag marker to the buildings construction and for some reason no worker would move the flag to finish the thing. Each time I tried to tell someone to move the flag it just added another flag to the construction order in the same place and did NOTHING. When I gave up on the save it wanted THREE civilization flags all in the same place.
Ironically it placed every other item I wanted in the “finished” structure. I had about ten beds moved in and set up in neat rows ready along the path to the “center” before I realized it was taking way to long to move the flag, and my Hearthlings were still congregating OUTSIDE the fortified walls whenever I put them on alert.
I plan to delete the save and start my village again once I stop being frustrated but I wanted to let you know about the problem right away. Well after a brief cooling down period anyway. lol