[Dev Blog] Steam Latest Branch Updated to Build develop-2291



Build develop-2291 Change List

The goblins will wait for your town to be a little more developed before visiting you, and won’t attack quite as frequently when they do attack
Combat music now automatically plays when a hearthling see’s danger
Bug fix: on some systems the game would take several minutes to startup or load when there were many save games present
Big fix: Goblins now grant experience


yes! I missed this in last nights stream… was hoping to see hear this today! :+1:


*Sniffle *sniffle :cry: Was getting closer to being done…

The good thing about this is that I keep getting closer with less issues each Build. Nice Job and thanks for the new build to mess with :slight_smile:


Just when I was going to log off and sleep… :cry:

Wow, great job, @Soul :smiley:!

Remember people, we expect the official release right after Tom finishes a new splash screen…


Noticed a bug. If you load on this build, you can’t build anything. Becouse i’m unable to see ghosts

Our building utils aren’t loading right. We’ve reverted steam-latest to 2283 till we figure out what’s going on. (Everyone has a full weekend, so hopefully, next week.)


Hopefully the splash screen is some cute goblins battling!

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I have a question. Since when is the ‘fast selection’ effect active by default and with no way to change it?

I was confused when I downloaded today the (reverted) 2283 release and I saw that entities were all yellow when hovering them (instead of only the yellow border that I used to have).

I went to the options menu but I didn’t see anything that would let me change it.

I can live with it. I’m just surprised because nobody mentioned it AFAIK. :confused:

Also, thank you Team Radiant, for putting the version in the in-game UI :smile:
I don’t know who had the idea but I’m really really happy for this.


@Relyss Check the high graphics checkbox, then you get it

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:smile: Thank you!
But that option is disabled for me (just like the AO), so I think I’ll have to live with it. :sweat_smile:

just wondering when we will get 2291 back? the bugs in 2283 are game destroying :slight_smile: cheers