so did i, but they both had the same time… maybe i’m just to tired for this…
Rayya’s Children needs a red town banner
perhaps rayya’s children just need red cloth…
Hmm. If they have a red town banner, then what color will their party banners be? Those are already red.
Having said that, you reminded me of the big green banner strip in the Building Designer where the icons are to select the build tool you want to use. So far in the streams, they’ve left it green for the UI reskin, when it really feels like it should be Rayya’s Red (to coin a term for the color they are using).
from now on im going to call it that… Rayya’s Red just has such a good ring to it…
The defend banners are Ascendancy Blue already, though.
but that also confuses me… ascendancy are green, and the northmens alliance are blueish grey…
so if banner/cloth color were to be changed depending upon the faction, green would be ascendancy, blue would be northmens alliance, and red, “Rayya’s Red” to be exact, would be for rayya’s children…
or maybe thats just me being tired again…