Destroy the Tower! [Forum Game]

you say this to a chaos space marine fan.

I took you for a Space Wolves fan…With the Canine Avatar and everything…OH DEAR GOD WHAT HAVE I UNLEASED???

I summon Dreadwing, the Penguin Pirate, the Scourge of the Galaxy to break blocks in his mighty UFO of Starbound-ness and attack the tower!

I summon reality. All attackers and defenders have to go out and get jobs and re-examine their lives. I have my own agenda.

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Penguins are birds, Birds eat mice, Your penguin eats @SteveAdamo’s Mice …

I, @Vince5754, Summon Constructicon Devastator to attack the tower!

Nah man, Thousand Sons. All is Dust! and of course, Knowledge is Power!


I shall end your heresy in a Bath Of Blood and Steel

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I, @Rathius, summon the Die of Power, in defense of the tower!

…beware and cower, attackers of the hour…

I, @Dertian, summon the Totem of Randomness to apply a random buff or debuff to the Tower every day.

You pups are always so resistant to the changer of ways.

You say that with a Power Axe in your face Heretic!

It clearly states in Subparagraph VI, Section II:

“Thou shalt not question the reason for attacking or defending the Tower… this is not negotiable. Playing “Destroy the Tower” means that you comply with these conditions listed above.”


@Geoffers747, I command you to represent me!

you are so represented… :muscle:

let no one challenge @Swift_Cube’s dominion here, lest they face… … … some, as yet unnamed, unspeakable horror…


I know, I know, no reason is required. For all i know it guards your illicit material stash, and i really don’t want to question what you keep there.

You Thousand Suns are meek…

No, I just know when i don’t want to know in detail. If you want pure unadulterated knowledge, go ask a Mechanicus about how they make forks. They’ll prolly give you a ten hour instructional video.

First of all, Prolly is not a word. Secondly, That would be Folly

oh hey! this is a forum game…


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Class: Defender

I, @DragoKen summon Illidan (yes thats a capital i) from warcraft to lead the elves in defense of the tower