4 shots from each turret with 8 turrets (or a total of 32 shots) is almost (but not quite) enough to kill one ogre.
Supplementary Maths
If you assume 35 shots would kill the ogre; then that’s 2.333 turrets. For 2.333 turrets it would cost 4.66 steel bars, 4.66 bronze bars and 4.66 iron bars to construct/replace them (or a total of 14 assorted metal bars per ogre, or 28 ores per ogre).
Along these lines, lockable strong city gates would be great for when enemies start breaking down your gates.
Slightly different, something like conveyor belts, mine carts, and/or elevators would be awesome for making mining more efficient. Perhaps they aren’t practical due to the changes required to the AI though.
@Solus Well yeah, you wouldn’t be able to place them in harms way, there would be some strategy involved in putting them on elevated structures.
Right now we’re prevented from just spamming them with a straight up number cap but if they’re besides strengths also potential weak points that would be a more natural and less immersion breaking way of preventing that.
Hey everyone, thanks for all the feedback! We are reading it closely and talking a lot about our vision for the class, as well as it’s gameplay effects. On the whole, we plan to keep the engineer focused on city defense, but it sounds like we have two hurdles to overcome here: balance (the turrets and traps need to be powerful/interesting, to offset their cost and stationaryness) and the turrets and traps need to have more versimilitude in the world (though honestly, the turnip turret cracks us up every time we see it, and we think it fits the engineer’s quirky sense of humor). We’ll take the other things under advisement too, as far as they can help the engineer on their quest to make a city a defensive fortress.
I vote for spikey pit traps with covers that need replacing from time to time. The Wiley Coyote, wavey arms panic fall is too fun to ignore. Of course, it might have to wait until after the Geomancer, so players can fill in the pits and relocate the traps as the town grows/changes.
Level 1: Turnips (crap for damage, but hey, you’ve got a turret now! yay!)
Level 2: Turnips; now with Spikes! (better damage, but still kinda meh) - requires iron or steel for the spikes, maybe create a caltrop trap crafted by the Blacksmith; recipe unlocked by the Engineer?
Level 3: Exploding Corn; it really pops with excitement. All over the place. (AoE Dmg: Explosive) - Crafted by Engineer
Level 4: Poison Pumpkins; Usable by Trebuchets (or some other chucker), not turrets – Finally a use for rotten produce! (AoE Dmg: Gas) – Crafted by Engineer
Level 5: Oil Kegs; Usable by Chuckers – crafted by Engineer, requires Kegs crafted by Potter – A new oil-filled product! (AoE fire dmg, scary)
Level 6: Cannon Balls; Big and full of iron. and Gunpowder. Requires cannonballs crafted by Blacksmith and gunpowder, which requires coal ore, crafted by Engineer. Bring on the Steam Cannons. (Knockback, AoE explosion, big dmg, scary)
Expanding on the idea of Engineers innovating new contraptions and unlocking new recipes – maybe an Engineer’s job, when idle (meaning, when their crafting queue is empty and maintain orders are all fulfilled), is Tinkering. A persistent “job” that they do that is always last on their list of priorities – “I’m fed, I’ve slept, I’ve chilled out by the fire. nothing needs hauling if that box is checked, so Imma tinker instead of standing idle.”
And it’s perhaps the aggregate time spent Tinkering that unlocks recipes, possibly at random based on the available items currently in storage? So it encourages you to craft at least one of everything, as your crafter classes level up, just to give the Engineer more things to experiment with. And that in turn, unlocks advanced recipes for the crafters.
Im totally digging the popcorn.
Maybe some wooden bolts wood be nice - good old ballista.
But iron or steel for a lvl 2 ammunition is a bit much in my opinion.
this probably doesn’t make any sense, but i’ve been thinking about it, and the engineer’s traps potentially replace the standing army, but one thing they don’t replace is clerics… so what if they could make a healing contraption? say it requires an ingot, a couple gears, and a healing tonic. when placed it will heal any injured hearthlings within a certain radius, and have limited uses before needing a “refill” tonic.
this could possibly even be expanded to the other tonic types…
any thoughts?
go Team Turnips!
love this entire idea, especially with the part about making it so you want/need to have all craftable items in your inventory to see what he can tinker up.
also, just a reminder to try editing instead of posting a new reply
I love this idea as the mental image of a healing shower / sprinkler is cracking me up. Wouldn’t this essentially completely replace one core piece of the herbalists functionality though?
good point, i mean, you’d still need one to craft the tonics but… yeah… i guess it seemed like a good concept, but after further examination it’s not really…
Agreed. I already am disappointed that Clerics completely negate half the functionality of Herbalists. And because you can just demote them and have them build tonics during peace time, herbalists are already virtually useless
Traps are a one time use and you have to manually place them.
Automated turrets have low damage, a single ammo type, limited ammo storage, and there is no easy way to glance and see how much ammo your turret currently has.
Traps and turrets are permanent moveable and repairable solution that required repairs after X amount of shots fired and after X amount of repairs it will need to be replaced entirely.
Turrets have many different types of ammo with differing damage output with ways to increase ammo capacity and ammo is visualized on the turret and doesn’t require a number in a UI.
I would prefer manned turrets because unmanned turrets feel way too advanced, this feels like I’m playing Factorio and not Hearthstone. (Never thought I would ever make a comparison between these two games but here it is.) http://i.imgur.com/uDJk7Ak.jpg
Managing ammo storage in an automated turret is not what I ever expected combat to be in Hearthstone, and honestly Factorio has probably done it better than hearthlings ever could manage so please, please do something different that fits with the theme of the game? I really really really didn’t want to post this
I don’t understand why people actually are supporting this.
This game isn’t taking itself seriously enough and is going to end up falling under the “kids game” category. We’re going to lose out on a massive community with people both young and old simply because the devs wanted to make the game “cute”.
Radiant should be going in the direction of age neutrality. Take a look at Minecraft for example, it’s not too cute that people older than 18 would question playing it, but it’s also not full of so much blood and gore that it’d end up on the shelves with a M rating.
Every time I see something “cute” added to this game I die a little on the inside and regret funding this in the first place.
Mod it out then. Radiant has stated from the very beginning they intended this to be a cute city/survival builder type game. I think the turnip launcher is absolutely hilarious and seems to fit well as a crazy low level idea the engineer had before designing the more logical turrets and traps.
I mean seriously… what else can you do with the bitter, hard, practically tasteless turnip but launch it in the face of your enemies?