Hey there,
I’m a big fan of modding the shit out of my games, so I did with Stonehearth, too. There are a ton of really awesome Mods, but sadly, quite some of them were obviously written for the Forest Biome, but I really love the style from Rayyas children and prefer the desert over the forest.
There are quite a few things, that bug me out about the desert, Rayyas children didn’t get that much love from the developers as their green brothers
So I decided I want to make a rather big Mod for the Desert Biome with Rayyas Children in mind.
I never wrote a Stonehearth mod and I never wrote anything in JSON before, so it will propably take a while, but I think I can manage learning yet another language
I have seen many things from other modders and will ask them for permission to reuse their models when the time comes, but first, here are some ideas of my own:
At the moment, I’m not satisfied with the feel of snow in the desert (apparently deserts are actually quite snowy). I can’t lay my finger on the problem, but maybe it has to be thicker, at least. Also, I usually don’t notice the reduced working speed mentioned in the weather description in game, so there have to be harsher penalties. I mean, usually you just freeze to death within a week ( but that might be too harsh in game…) -
Different Colors and for different Temperatures, maybe some different models for some jobs. Would make the weaver less pointless. -
Different recipies
I think its just unfair to deny them their bows, just because there is not that much wood. There are indeed a few trees, and most desert tribes do have bows irl. Also, it’s quite difficult to get the carpenter to lvl 5 in time before the goblin raid (forgot the chiefs name) comes to make the flute you need to weaken him. Also quite unfair, I’m sure, Rayyas Children are very talented musicians.
Maybe we could use some more decorations for the herbalist? (have already some ideas for that one)
Also I intend to recolor some models from other mods, but I need their permission to do so first, of course. -
I don’t intend to alter the map generation, unless someone has a really good suggestion for that. I highly recommend a mod called Rivers from BrunoSupremo for the desert biome on Steam Workshop btw, looks awesome. And more realistic. I would settle near a sufficient watersource, if I had to live in the desert…
Classes (forgot to mention before :D)
I love unlocking new classes through the game and there are a ton of good ideas out there. I would model them for the desert, of course. Eg: a fighter promotion (like the blade class mod)
I wrote this post, because I want to ask for your own opinions of what should be in the desert and what should not, before I start, I’m sure, I’m not the only one loving Rayyas Children here
Edit: For the snowy thing: I will wait a bit, maybe a patch for this is coming. Dunno, though.