Crazy new Humble Bundle

Well the current humble bundle is full of different games, as you set the price yourself you might wanna check it out:


It’s great. and I already bought it. But if you analyze it… it’s actually a very good strategy of EA to get more people to origin!

wow, thats a pretty impressive bundle… might just grab it for mirror’s edge… thanks! :+1:

The first time that 2 bundles in a row contain everything i already have…I don’t…I don’t know what to say to myself…in a gamers point of view thats awesome…in a “normal” point of view it’s sad :confused:


Red alert 3 uprising and populous has been added to the origin bundle, as much as an hassle origin can be, this is WELL worth it. Gotta give it up for the guys at HumbleBundle, for giving love/life to this retro game. I never had the chance to play populous since it wasn’t that prominent whilst i was growing up (20 y’ old).

I return to this forum JUST after two rounds of populous!

This is madness I say - such a huge game on such a small screen, how is it possible?

And why is flattening a world so my settlers can have castles so satisfying?

The good old times are NOW :smiley:

Gotta figure out the controls first xD unpaused after 30 mins of wtf howdoiturnthisthingon… Oh retro games…