I have two copies of Insurgency to give away

Hey folks,

in the current Humble Jumbo Bundle 3 one receives extra copies of Insurgency.
Right now I can give away two, later maybe even another one.

So whoever is interested speak up and I’ll PM you a link where you can claim your free copy.



I would like one if you still have one?


I’ll take one, that way me and bloodwolf can have another game to co-op o.-

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Righto, that makes two, all gone for now :slight_smile:

Thank you so much!!!

Thanks man, do you know if it has co-op?

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Dang I just missed it :frowning:

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Apparently so:

(I just got the game myself with this Humble Bundle and the download is a bit much atm, so it’ll take a while until I can try it.)

Maybe I’ll have another free copy on tuesday, right now its reserved, but the guy might buy the bundle himself depending on the games that are added.

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I also have 3 copies to share, if anyone wants them.


I also have 1 more I can give. Just PM me if you want it. I have already gave one to @Yosmo78


I’ll take one if you still have some. Thanks for giving them out as well

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Hey! Ill take one if your giving one away! Im new to the forums and it seems like the community is awesome!


Hi I love playing video games and if you are still giving the game away I would love it. <3 ninja

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I would like one please. I am a gamer and I always want to try out new games. You guys are very generous for giving games away

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I am a gamer and I love playing fps games they are my favorite.

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I still have 1 copy left, send me a pm if anyone want it, so we don’t get mixed up with nicedude and give 2 to the same person:P

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Ill take that 1 copy if you didnt give it away yet

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Sorry, i gave it away a few hours back.

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Ah damn, I guess all the copies are gone ;-;

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I still have some copies. Send me a PM if you’re interested

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