Community Translations: Volunteers (Overview)

Have you had a look inside the locales folder? Because there’s what seems to be 53 translation files. I can’t open .pak files though so I can’t confirm if they have stuff in them or not.

Not yet, but they have been already there in the Graphics Tests.

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Am I too late to sign up as a Dutch translator? I have translated Game Dev Tycoon too (with some other people) and I would like to help an amazing game like this out again as volunteer.

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I am literally over the moon to see a translator for Irish :smiley:
Mine is too rusty I’m afraid but good luck @monstamasha!
As always, Éirinn go Brách!
PS would also be willing to proof read ‘British’ for any class-ist bias lol

It is never too late @LineLiar :wink:.

Well @capotzalco has just been super useful and put this topic up:

@SteveAdamo and @voxel_pirate, how and when will we be able to translate the game? I already know a site which is very handy for translations instead of literally translating the game by playing it. The developers can put the lines of text on there and there will be moderators on the site for languages which can translate it, other people can put suggestions. Is this how we’re gonna do it? Or else, how are we gonna do it? :wink:

In the game’s folder there are localization files for each language. Our little problem is that they’re compressed in .pak, which requires a special program to open them.

Alright! Thanks for the information. :slight_smile:

Sign me up for working on a Swedish translation - Hamnisu be my name. I’ll try to be as helpfull as I can to the small team already established.


As you wish Mr. @Hamnisu. Btw. the second book from Jonas Jonasson is a bit disappointing as he tries too much to repeat the success of the first one (my humble opinion) :wink:.

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Thank you @voxel_pirate!
I haven’t read Jonas Jonasson’s 2nd book, sorry. I’ll get back to you if I ever get around to do so :wink:

Välkommen Ombord! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Nice to have another Swede.

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ok i started translating the text that was given some days ago and i need to say something to the devs

i cant write “by sid” because my religion doesnt allow it and i cant write “screw this” or “spork this” because arabic cursing is very very crude and it just come out bad…
so if this interferes with your vision for the game i fully understand and will put all my work in the forum and wait for someone to hopefully take it and complete it, but if i have permission to bend words so its more to the cultures liking than the 1st batch of translated text is almost finished and ready to upload for someone to test (i am not an alpha tester so i dont have the game yet)

Well that is certainly an interesting cultural difference!

Would you mind explaining the ‘by sid’ part? I can understand the cursing one.

I think this fits into the whole translation/ localizaton thing - it’s all well and good translating the words but they need to make sense in that language, ultimately without an Arabic translation it would be extremely difficult for people who only speak Arabic to play the game… side note - I have no idea about the games industry in this part of the world so that’s also an interesting thing to be aware of.

I’m not Team Radiant but this would make sense? It would seem that a translation would be useless without it fitting the culture? Of course this also raises questions about translations for different types of people within the culture … but perhaps that’s getting too nuanced?

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well the “by sid” part when you translate it it becomes a like if “sid” is a holy being and you are swearing by him well swearing in my religion is strictly prohibited except if you use gods names

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“Sid” isn’t actually a God or anything, it’s just a short curse, however that may not matter (I am not expert on (presumably Islam, but apologies if it isn’t)), and it may not make sense culturally. Translate it so it retains the meaning, you don’t have to be word for word. Since the majority of Arabic speakers will be in your boat, I’m sure whatever you see fit will likely be a sensible translation. If some things really don’t work, you can probably just leave them out.

Also, I am quite keen to test out how easy it is to get the translation files, so if you’d be willing could you either put the files up for me or PM me them, so I can have a little play around? And as I don’t speak Arabic, it would be awesome if you could put like all the sayings about berries in one folder, all the sayings about chopping wood in another etc. and just label those folders in English? :slight_smile:

There’s only so much we can do…:stuck_out_tongue:

hmm about the files i dont actually have the speech files on my laptop but someone posted the saying of the villagers on the forums and i copied it from there so its actually just one continues document and i would like to see how the game will handle the language (i dont even know if arabic is installed in all machines so it might come out as just random symbols)

(i can upload the continues document here (the english text has the translation right underneath it)

or it would take some more time if you want me to actually file them in different folders

Oh no, that’s fine, so long as I can understand which saying should go where I’ll be able to get working, and if it has the English version right next to it, I should have no problem! :blush:

I believe Arabic is installed on my machine, and if not it should be free online from Microsoft.

Lol… why would you want Arabic on your PC? (Unless you’re arabic… hehe.)