Community Appreciation

Can we just take a moment to admire the beauty that is Tobias Sabathius’ Taiga Biome? The rugged landscape, foggy hills, soaring mountains, and dense pine. I think I may have come across absolutely the most beautiful and amazing start ever to befall the Northern Alliance:

A well-sheltered clearing on the plain, with a gradual incline to the surrounding hills; a large lake, shrouded in mist; all in the shadow of a mountainous peak.

The mountain is in fact so large I have to zoom all the way out and move my camera to the other side of the lake in order to fit its entirety in one shot:

This start is so breathtaking I feel like I won’t be able to build a village worthy of its slopes. But alas, the citizens of Odhymar will try their best to build the best settlement they can. I’ll get around to posting some screenshots of a town when I build something, as long as I remember to.

I feel like writing about this place. I feel like a place this grand deserves some heavy lore!